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❀Iris' POV❀

"Wake up darling." I feel hands shaking me lightly and my eyes squeeze shut before opening to see Matthew. "We leave for the jet in an hour", I sit up, and he hands me some Advil. I seriously can't remember anything from last night. At all.  "How much did I drink?" I ask.  "Not much.. you're a lightweight." He laughs.  "Did I do anything embarrassing?" I ask.  He thinks for a moment, but shakes his head.  "No, nothing."

I get out of bed and watch as he opens up his pill bottle, taking his pill like it's nothing. That makes me smile. I'm almost positive he's been taking them daily.  I am a tad bit too lazy to go get the clothes out of my car, so instead I walk over to Matt's dresser and pull out a pair of his grey sweatpants and his pink hoodie.
"Oh I'm stealing your clothes by the way." I say.  "I see that." He nods.  "What's this?" I ask, pulling out a box. "Oh gross!" 
Matt laughs loudly at me, and walks over.  "Please tell me you're not scared of condoms", He says.  "Not scared." I scoff. "Just a reminder that you're gross." 
"That's not even the gross part, the gross part is when they sit on my face and-" 
"Woah woah woah." I stop his sentence, waving my hands. "I don't want to hear about it." 
He smirks with amusement, and grabs one of the condoms out of the box, stuffing it in his pocket.  "Just in case I need it", He says and I gag. 

I take the clothes into the bathroom and change. I look pretty cute in Matt's clothes, although they're not too oversized on me because he's pretty small, but still cute.  I use Nick's hair brush on my hair, and start to get angry when I can't get a good ponytail. I can't stand when my hair does this shit.  "What's wrong?" Nick asks as he walks into the room.  "My hair isn't working." I groan.  "It's a plane ride you're not meeting the Queen", He shakes his head. 
"Okay mr. my hair is always perfect." I scoff.  "You think so?" He smiles, brushing his fingers through his hair and I roll my eyes, now just throwing my hair up not caring what it looks like.  I walk out into the living room, and grab my keys to go get my suitcase out of my car. I pull it out of the back seat, and make sure to lock my car when I'm done since it'll be left here for a few days.  A dog runs up to me, jumping on me slightly and I smile, leaning down to pet his head. He's an adorable German shepherd, my favorite breed. 

"Ryder!" The owner calls. "I'm so sorry he somehow slipped out of his collar."  My eyes lift to meet some very beautiful brown ones, and I mentally curse myself for looking like crap. The blonde haired boy gives me a smile, and slips the dogs collar back around his neck.  "No need to apologize, I love dogs." I shake my head.  "Ryder tends to go butting his nose where it doesn't belong." He laughs. "He's even snuck into their house a time or two."  So this guy knows Nick and Matt..  "Tom, I see you met Iris." Haz says as he walks out.  "Haven't quite gotten to introductions yet", Tom says. "Ryder was too busy jumping on her", Nick pets the dog, and looks between the boy and I.

Please don't embarrass me Nick.. "So we're actually headed out of town for a few days, but I'll text you her number and you two can get to know each other", He says. 

Oh there it is. The embarrassment.

  "I'm sorry about him." I say.  "Please, I should be sorry. You're the one who has to go on a trip with him", Tom laughs.  "Well this is great, you're bonding. Kind of in a rude and hurtful way but still bonding." Nick mutters.  "Well we should get going yeah?" I say to Nick.  "Yeah. See you later", He waves to Tom and takes my bag for me.  "I will talk to you later", He smiles.  "I'll be looking forward to it", Tom walks away, and Matt comes out, loading his stuff into the car. I take notice of how we both have gray sweats on, that would make for a cute photo.  "Shotgun!" I call, hopping into the front seat. Nick flips me off through the window, and gets in the back seat. 

I've never been in a private plane before, my dad was famous but never private plane famous. It's really just now hitting me how popular Nick is. It's crazy how the fame hasn't gone to his head or made him a bad person.  We pull up to the hangar, and see a plane pulled out, and a woman at the end of the steps wearing a pantsuit. Matt parks the car, and we get out, two men already getting in the trunk to take our bags.

Jeez.. they're really going all out for a guy that would eat a chip off the floor.  "Mr. Sturniolo, pleased to make your acquaintance", The woman smiles, shaking his hand. She then turns to Matt and I. "You must be themmm one of the brothers, and Ms. Rivers."  She shakes both of our hands and gestures towards the steps to the plane.  "Right this way." She walks up, and Nick follows right behind her.  Matt's hand rests lightly against my back as we walk up the steps, and we take a seat across from Nick. This plane is so cool, and we get the whole thing to ourselves. Maybe a ten hour flight won't be so bad. 

We're halfway to California, and I've taken a desperately needed nap that practically cured my hangover. 
My phone dings, and I grab it to see who messaged me. 

Unknown: hey Iris, it's Tom. How's the flight going? 

Matt looks over my shoulder, and snatches my phone from me which makes me groan.
Why does he think he's entitled to seeing everything I'm doing? 
"Tom? How'd he get your number?" He asks.  "I gave it to him." Nick says. "Should have seen em this morning, they were flirting", Matt lifts his brow, and then looks back down to the text before handing my phone back without another word.  "I'm going to the bathroom", I say, standing up.  "To send nudes?" Nick asks and I scoff.  "Because I drank two water bottles and need to pee dummy." I roll my eyes. 

❀Matt's POV❀

Iris leaves for the bathroom, and I lean closer to Nicolas.  "You serious mate? You gave him her number?",I ask. 
"Well yeah, he's nice and she needs to move on. What's the problem?" He asks.  "I- well it's just that-" 
"Hold on." He laughs. "Are you into Iris?" 

I sit back in my seat uncomfortably, really not knowing how to answer that question.  "I don't know, but now it doesn't matter because you set her up with Tom!" I whisper yell at him.  He stares at me with a blank face and I shake my head at him.  "Sorry I just- really? Iris? And you? But she's so sweet and innocent and well- you're you." He says. 
"Thanks for that i guess." I say sarcastically.  "Don't worry. I got you." He says, pulling out his phone.  "What are you doing? Don't do anything stupid." I warn.  "Trust me. I know what I'm doing." He says. 

I don't trust him, and im almost one hundred percent sure that he doesn't know what he's doing. Why did I say anything? He's going to do or say something to screw everything up.

I just know it.

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