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"What exactly is a fameaversary?" I ask as Matt sets up the food and drinks in his and Nick"a house.  "It's the day Nick got verified on Instagram", he says. "It's a big deal to him, so every year I throw him a little celebration with our friends and family."  I smile at the thought of Matthew doing this every year. He's such a good friend, they're so sweet to each other.  "So I'm meeting the mum and dad?" I ask nervously.  "Yep", he smiles, finishing up what he's doing. "And they're going to love you just as much as I do".
Meeting parents is quite literally the scariest thing in the world. I remember when Fred's parents first found out we were dating, they were so critical and always wanted more and more from me. I just hope Matt's parents are a little more relaxed. I mean considering they've raised wonderful boys I should think they are pretty great.

"Think so?" I ask.  "You may not realize it, but everyone else knows you're too good for me", he says and I roll my eyes. "You're full of poop", I say.  "Poop?" He laughs. "You really can't just say shit?"  "No. I think you do enough swearing for the both of us", I joke.  I help him finish up the house, and soon people start showing up. I think this is such a silly reason to have a dinner party, but I still think it's cute how special it is to Nicolas.
He's not like most celebrities, he actually appreciates his fame and loves his fans- or as he likes to call them, his friends.  Matthew's following is a lot smaller, but he's still really popular too. It gets a bit aggravating that so many girls are practically in love with him, but at least he's not in all the headlines like Nick.  There's a knock on the door, and I follow behind Matt as he goes to open it. We come face to face with Chris, and I quickly realize that we haven't told him. I don't think anyone has.. this could be bad. Matthew and I look to each other, and Sam shakes his head at us.  "What's going on?" He asks.  "It's awkward because I told Iris I was falling for her and she rejected me for Matt", Chris says plainly. 

Okay so I guess he does know.. 

"I was going to talk to you about it we just- we haven't really told anyone", Matthew says. "If you really cared about what I think, you wouldn't be dating her", Christopher says, and walks past us into the house. Sam then mutters an apology for his friend, walking in after him.
I groan, shoving my face in my hands. That didn't go well at all.  "We should have talked to him before", I sigh.  "For what? His approval? I'm sorry but I want to be with you, and you want to be with me. He has nothing to do with that".
I know he's right, and Chris shouldn't be mad, but I just feel bad.  There's another knock on the door, and he opens it. I see a smiling woman, and a man with warm eyes, who must be his parents. He hugs them, and I wait nervously at his side for an introduction.  "Mum, dad.. I want you to meet my girlfriend Iris." He says.  His parents look to me with confusion.  "Chris' Iris?" His mum asks.  "No.. my Iris", Matthew says.  I can see Matt's stating to get a bit irritated. First with Chris' comments, and now this. Matt can be a bit possessive over what's his, and I know that definitely had to of gotten to him. 

"I just thought her and Christopher- never mind", she shakes her head, and gives me a large grin. "It is lovely to finally meet you Iris. I'm Ellie and this is Ricky", she says.
"It's wonderful to meet the both of you." I say, shaking their hands.  "How long have you two been together?" Dom asks. "Only a few days", Matt answers. "But it definitely feels like it's been longer." 
"I'm happy for you honey." Ellie says to him.  Next, Sam's mum shows up and after meeting her she goes off with Ellie to chat. I pull Matt to the side of the room, running my hand over his arm comfortingly.  "You seem upset." I sigh.  "You're mine.." he says with a frown.  "Exactly. They were just confused that's all!" I say. I can't still see the upset in his eyes, and wrap my arms around him, hugging him.

He just needs reassurance.. I never liked Chris, and I never will. Matthew is the only guy for me and I'll do anything in my power to show that to him.  "The man of honor is here!" Nick announces as he walks through the door with Justin.  "Come on, let's join the group and when this is over we can snuggle", I kiss his nose, and see him get a blushy smile on his face.
Am I a terrible person for wanting to leave with him right now? Probably. 
The evening moves on, and we all eat, drink, and celebrate Nick's accomplishments. I take notice of how Chris' eyes glance at me every now and then, and I also notice how much it bugs Matthew. I reach under the table to squeeze his hand, letting him know I'm all his.  I know I hurt Chris, and I know that he still likes me, but he's just trying to make Matt feel bad that we're together.

It's not fair, and it's not going to make me change my mind on who I want to be with. I love Matt, and I'm not going to let Chris make him think any less than that. "Heres to a million more followers!" Nick says, raising his glass.  This is the silliest thing I've ever done a toast to in my life. I love it. 
Everyone finishes eating and just sits around the house chatting. Matt and Nick go to the kitchen to grab beers and I feel someone grab my arm, pulling me up from my seat.  "What are you doing?" I ask as I see Chris is the one dragging me out of the room.   "We need to talk", he says. 
We get outside, and he shuts the door. Why does he think he can just pull me away like this? Matt's going to notice I'm gone.

I swat his hand off of me, and realize I just need to let him know it really just isn't happening. I will never like him more than a friend.  "Chris- I'm really sorry but there's nothing between us." I say to him.  "You also said there was nothing between you and Matthew." He states.  "Well I was wrong-" 

"Then how do you know you're not wrong about me?" He asks. "Iris you and I just.. fit. You and Matthew? You're complete opposites." 
"Thanks for your concern Christopher, but I'm just fine", I say, going to turn around but he grabs my arm softly.  "Did he tell you about what he did to Nick?" He asks.  What he did to Nick?.. I have to admit.. that peaked my curiosity.  "No.." I answer.  "I'm sure you've noticed by now that my brother is.. well, unstable." He starts. "But you have no idea how bad it can get. I'm worried for your safety Iris." 

I shake my head at his audacity to imply that Matt is dangerous.  "Matthew would never hurt me." I say.  "Yeah? Then why did Nick end up in the hospital after Matt just about beat him to death?" 

He has to be lying. That can't be true.

Matthew would never hurt Nick, especially not to the extent of him being hospitalized.

He's not dangerous.

I refuse to believe it. 

"Take that information how you please, but please just be safe. I'm always here.." he says as he walks back inside.  Now I'm stuck with this information that I have no clue what to do with. Do I ask? Do I leave it be?

Why does everything have to be so complicated.

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