❀ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ-sᴇᴠᴇɴ❀

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We finish the movie, and at this point everyone is pretty drunk, and Matthew is very drunk. It's a good thing I stayed sober because he will definitely need me to take care of him tonight. 
I was worried how he would act, especially with the attitude he had earlier, but weirdly enough he's just fine. In fact he's super cute drunk, he just wants to snuggle and be a big teddy bear.  I watch as Nick turns on jazz music, and puts his hand out to Matt.  "Let's show these bitches how it's done", he says. "I'm drunk but not drunk enough for that", Matthew mumbles, resting his head in my lap. 
"That's it", Nick groans, and starts to take his pants off. Why does he always take his pants off when he's drunk?Apparently Nicolas and I have tons of fun when we get drunk together, too bad I barely can remember it.  He grabs Matt's phone, and heads towards the bathroom.  "What are you doing?" I call.  "Oh you'll see!" He announces, and slams the bathroom door.  "We should get going, our Uber is here." Eleanor says, standing to her feet. "Come on Gianna".

Gianna struggles to stand, obviously the drunkest of us all. She stumbles a bit, and walks over to the sofa, sitting next to me and leaning over to tell me something.  "If Matty boy gives you any trouble- and I mean any trouble at all, you call us." 
"Oh, okay thank you." I giggle, and Eleanor puts Giannas arm over her shoulder, helping her up.  "You don't always have to get so drunk", Eleanor scolds.  They sound a lot like Matt and i when I get drunk with Nick.  "Bye guys! Thank you for coming!" I smile.  "Thank you for the tequila!" Gianna waves as they walk out.  "Mum won't be very pleased to see we're hung over tomorrow", Matt says to the room.  "As if she'll notice, she will be too busy making sure everything is perfect", Sam says. 

Nick walks back out of the bathroom, handing Matt his phone back. I grab it, and use Matt's thumb print to unlock it. A loud scream escapes my mouth as the phone drops out of my hands. Nick laughs loudly, and Matt grabs the phone to see. I'm officially traumatized for the rest of my life because Nick is my best friend and I did not need to see that. "What is it?" Justin asks.  "My girlfriend just saw my triplet brothers' dick", Matthew says plainly. 
He sits up, and I avoid even looking at Nick because I quite literally have that picture burned into my brain. He is gonna really regret that when he's sober.  "What are you trying to do? Are you trying to fuck my girlfriend Nick?" Matthew questions.
"Got a thing for virgin girls?" 
"Wow really Matt?.." I mutter in annoyance.
That wasn't his information to share with the rest of the group, even if it is obvious. I knew he was going to say or do something stupid when he got drunk, I was just waiting for the pin to drop.  "It's okay I've got a thing for virgin girls too", he says. "Maybe that's why I like her so much, who knows", I scoff, and stand to my feet. That was too far.  "Screw you Matt." I say, and walk back to my room, slamming the door. 

He can be such an asshole.
How can he just say something like that in front of all our friends? When we're alone it's all hearts and teddy bears, then when we're around everyone else he's heartless, cruel and doesn't think before he talks. How am I supposed to know that hes not just into me because of some weird virginity fetish when he says stuff like that?
I know he can't control the stuff that comes out of his mouth sometimes, but it's still upsetting. I can know the truth, I can know that he loves me, but comments like that still make me question all of it. 

❀Matt's POV❀

I've messed up.. I just never think about what I'm saying when I'm drunk.
I practically just told my girl that I'm only attracted to her because of her virginity and that's not true at all.
I couldn't care less about that.  "I fucking suck at this." I mutter. "How in the hell did she pick you over Christopher?" Sam asks.  "I'm starting to wonder that myself", I sigh. 
"I think we should go, and you should fix that because shes pissed", Justin says.  I reach for the bottle of alcohol, but Sam snatches it away quickly.  "You don't need this. Go talk to Iris." 

The guys call an Uber and leave, and I nervously walk down the hall to Iris' room. I open the door, and see shes laying down with her eyes closed. She's definitely not asleep yet, she's pretending. I climb into bed next to her, scooting closely to her back and pull her into my chest. I love the feeling of her body resting against mine, I could hold her for ages and feel content because she is my happy place.  "I'm sorry my love." I say, kissing her temple.  She still pretends to be asleep, but the way her eyes twitch slightly tells me she's hearing every word I say, so I keep going.  "I love you, and not because of some stupid innocence kink", I say. "I love you because you have such a great sense of humor, you're amusing, you have such a good heart- even when I'm feeling my worst you manage to make me feel like everything is okay. And your beauty.. God when you smile-", I pause, letting the words sink in.
"I sometimes feel like your too good for me"
I notice the corner of her mouth curve up slightly, and I press a kiss to it. Her smile is the most beautiful smile I've ever seen.  "You are forever mine Iris, how can I prove that to you?" I ask. 
I still get no interaction from her, so I move to roll her on her back, hovering over her and kiss her lips softly.  "Wanna marry me?" I ask, and her eyes shoot open instantly, finally giving me what I want.  "Matthew you freaking drunk psychopath! Don't ask me that!" She exclaims and I laugh.  "Ah there's my pretty girl", I smile. "Did what I had to do to get you to talk to me." 
"And had I said yes?" She questions with amusement.  "Well shit I guess we'd be having a wedding then." I laugh.  I pet her hair, appreciating what I have been blessed with.

A perfect girl, who is way out of my league, who has straightened me up and shown me there is actually something worth living for. And see, had she said yes in this hilarious, random, drunken moment of stupidity, I wouldn't have regretted it in the morning. The world gives us so much shit that when that one little beam of light shines through, you have to hold on to it for dear life. She is mine, and I'm going to hold on to her for as long as I possibly can- and in a perfect world, that would mean for all eternity.

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