Chapter Five - The Vigil And Switch

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Emberpaw watched as her denmate padded out of Ambersky's den, her eyes glassy with tears. Other warriors looked inside the den, and slowly the entire camp was swallowed by the grief of death. Ambersky, Honeyleaf, and Thornstar didn't get back until moonrise, and by then cats were already lying around Crowstep and rubbing his fur with mint, lavender, and rosemary to hide the scent of illness and death. Ambersky immediately went over to Burningstrike, Crowstep's mate who is heavy with his kits, to make sure she was alright. He then let the mourning queen lie next to the dark warrior, and Silverpaw next to her and Nightstripe. Cherryheart laid next to her mate, Ravenflight, who is Crowstep's brother, and groomed his fur while he and Nightstripe exchanged sad glances.

Emberpaw, wanting to be away from the grief, left the center of camp and went into the apprentices' den. She then saw the other apprentices: Barkpaw, a brown tom with brown eyes; Rainpaw, a white-and-gray tom with pale gray eyes; his littermate, Mosspaw, a pale gray she-cat with amber eyes; Maplepaw, a golden she-cat with brown paws and tail tip with blue eyes; and Ripplepaw, Silverpaw's littermate, a silver tabby tom with leaf-green eyes like Snowleaf. Ripplepaw sniffled every once in a while, but he curled up with his tail covering his nose and eventually his breathing slowed.

Emberpaw picked an empty nest of moss near Barkpaw and curled up, and closed her eyes. When she opened them, she saw a black tom talking to a white she-cat with silver stripes. Silverpaw? What's she doing here?

"Hello, Emberpaw." came a voice behind Emberpaw. She turned to face the newcomer, and what the ginger apprentice saw was a soft-furred gray tom with ice-blue eyes. "Welcome to StarClan."

Panic and fear rushed through Emberpaw. "Are we dead?" she asked anxiously, looking back towards Silverpaw and Crowstep. "But nothing was wrong with us!"

The tom walked next to Emberpaw and rested his tail on her shoulders, now standing parallel to her. "You are not dead yet, Emberpaw. You still have a few seasons ahead of you." He looked over his shoulder at the other two cats, and Emberpaw heard something about "...path will not lie with..." before the tom urged her on.

"We should not get over heard by each other. Both of your destinies cannot be shared with the wrong cats." his meow was curt now, no longer soft like his pelt. "Now, remember this, Emberpaw. It will be needed before the next two generations of medicine cats are through." he took a breath, and his voice changed. "The dying ember of the scattered Clan, and the silver moonlight of the Clan's faith."

Emberpaw waited a moment, thinking he would continue. When he didn't, she asked, "What does that mean?"

"Your friend will know soon enough. But you will never tell another cat about the prophecy until it is time." Prophecy?But I'm just an apprentice!

Emberpaw took a breath to ask another question. "When will-" her head shot up from her mossy nest. She was back in the tree, in the apprentices' den. Silverpaw was in the nest next to Emberpaw. Softly, she poked Silverpaw with a forepaw. The silver-striped apprentice stirred and went still again. The ginger apprentice was about to poke Silverpaw harder when the she-cat stretched and got up. Emberpaw watched Silverpaw go to the den entrance and followed her out, past the cats who were still lying around Crowstep's body as the dawn light shined.


"Silverpaw," Emberpaw mewed once they were in their tree, "were you in StarClan?"

Silverpaw visibly stiffened. There was a silence that hung between the two denmates like a fog. "Why?" she asked, finally.

Emberpaw's eyes widened. "You were talking to Crowstep! Did he tell you about the prophecy?"

"Yes." Silverpaw looked away. "He also told me I have to become Ambersky's apprentice. If I don't, I will be maimed beyond Ambersky's ability and be forced to become a medicine cat, losing some cat's their lives." she looked back at Emberpaw, now having tears in her icy eyes. "Emberpaw, he told me something else. I found it strange. Crowstep said, "She has a destiny of her own, one you will play a bigger role in if you become her medicine cat," and he was talking about you."

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