27. hiStory

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Jimin woke up early after being sent to his room seeing as Y/N and Jungkook took longer to finish their parts. Knowing that the two must have stayed up very late and are surely still asleep, he wanted to use this chance to check out the file he found yesterday.

Dressing up quietly and leaving for the library, he was coming up with scenarios that the file could be about.

He pushed the wooden door open and almost sighed loudly when he saw the duo already hunched over a stack of papers with highlighter pens marking something.

Judging from their clothes they didn't work all night, or at least changed before coming back to finish their search. Seeing the dark circles under their eyes the later option seemed more probable.

The smell of coffee hit his nose as he walked closer, now noticing how the girl's hair was still damp.

"Good timing! We need the list you made yesterday, because ours don't have any matches, luckily."

Sitting down across Jungkook, he pulled out the neatly folded paper but looked questioningly at the previous comment.

"Why would you be glad? Wouldn't that make our job easier if we had a name matching on all three places?" Jimin asked but earned a no from his best friend.

"The man told us his boss knew the secret passages to the Park and Song manors, so we were hoping he wasn't withholding information. This confirms that it might be so, that the Jeon residence is safe from them for a reason we need to find out."

Jimin nodded in understanding and unfolded the paper, reading the long list of names he had scribbled down the previous night. It took them a while to pull out all names that appeared in both his and Y/N's or Jungkook's list.

There were over ten names out of which eight matched with Y/N's list, shrinking their suspect list immensely, but leading to another obstacle.

Now, they had to find data about the eight people to be able to find their link to everything.

Another sleepless night seemed to await them when a surprising help appeared in the form of none other than Park Jisung.

The two boys wandered into the library after waking up, seeing the tired faces of the working trio. Plopping down beside Jungkook and using his shoulder as a pillow, the youngest looked at the list of the highlighted names, scrunching up his nose at a familiar one.

"Isn't that the architect guy?"

The four around him looked at the boy questioningly, not understanding why he knew something about people that lived centuries ago.

"Who are you talking about?" Y/N looked over at the name he was pointing at, still it did not ring any bell in her head.

"Or maybe I remember the name wrong..."

Jisung was about to slump back and continue searching for a comfortable position to doze off when Jimin spoke up.

"That's the architect who designed our mansion. Jisung, how did you know about him?" His voice was stern, the matter being too important to leave anything undisclosed.

"You know him too, from that one children's story we learned in kindergarten. The one when an architect betrayed the king's trust and stole the money for constructing the royal teahouse, using hay instead so the place crumbled during a party."

The boy reminded them, the story being one that all of them were familiar with.

"Of course we know the story, but I always thought it was just something made up to teach kids to be honest citizens."

Tiger Lily - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now