38. gotcha

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Jungkook's eyes hardened the moment the grip of the girl packed his arm like a trap, nails digging into his skin. He almost snapped his head in her direction and barely managed to hold back realising where they were.

He casually looked around before directing his gaze at his fiancé seeing her pupils shake as they were focused on someone in the crowd.

Gently unwrapping his arm from the deadly grip it slid around her waist and turned her to face him. His other hand rose so he could stroke her cheek affectionately and turn on the recording device hidden in her earring without looking suspicious.

Y/N was petrified at the sight of that familiar face which keeps hunting her in her nightmares. And what terrified her more was that the man kept slowly approaching them.

"Hey, what is it? Did you see something?"

Jungkook leaned closer to her face and told her quietly, aware of the many eyes and ears on them. She just let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding, trying to not break apart any moment.

"It's him... The man who kidnapped me, he's here..."

She felt the arm around her tighten and pull her closer to the man finding comfort in his familiar scent. Y/N saw Jungkook nod at a blue figure in the crowd who immediately disappeared after that.

His tongue kept poking at his cheek as deadly eyes scanned each and every face around them. Those gold speckled warm brown orbs of his turned pitch black, sucking out the soul of everyone looking at him directly.

"Which one? We need to catch him on the security footage."

"Black tux with gold embroidery walking slowly towards us. Has a scar on his face that's new but he is the guy, I'm more than hundred percent sure."

The man in question was indeed nearing them and Jungkook could easily spot him with the description from the girl. They did expect to catch a fish today, but never catching such a huge one.

"That man is the Hwang's bastard... He rarely goes to gatherings and is more involved in the underground business. He's also rumoured to be the family's mercenary and man for all their dirty jobs."

Jimin's voice spoke trough Jungkook's in-ear after listening to their conversation and checking the cameras. He just nodded and delayed the info to the girl, confirming their suspicion of it being the Hwangs.

Y/N pursed her red lips tightly together, the glint of determination showing in her eyes as she looked up at Jungkook. This was it, and it's would be over after tonight once and for all.

"Congratulations on your engagement. I apologise for not being able to express my best wishes earlier due to the crowd here all wishing to do the same."

The raspy voice of the man made her flinch for a moment before she turned around in Jungkook's arms with a bright smile. The man's eyes were trained on her like a predator's, a hint of mischief visible in them.

"Thank you very much. We're glad that you could also come this time, as a higher member of the Hwang family. We hope the travel to Busan wasn't too strenuous and you're enjoying the party so far."

Y/N put on the best act of her mother, trying to sound like a true host greeting her guests. The man just looked at her with an amused smile, her lack of fear of him making this whole game more entertaining.

"Of course my dear Y/N! How could I not come to celebrate such a big day with you?"

Jungkook just lifted one of his eyebrows and pulled the girl's body to lean against him in a possessive way.

Tiger Lily - Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now