Ⓜ️ Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
The White Towers

Chapter 8The White Towers

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March 12th, 2933 TA.
West. Eriador.
The White Towers. Emyn Beraid.
West of The Shire. South-East of the Grey Havens.

It all seemed so frightfully false, a vicious trick done unto me by the Valar, a well dealt and deserved hand for my part. Of yore, I uttered to him, my beloved boy, a truth that forthwith seemed to haunt me. "... I am nay a perfect parent. I shall let you down and make mistakes. I shall say one thing when I should have said another. Albeit I shall love you... fiercely." Fiercely indeed, for 'tis how I loved them. My kin, my kingdom, my ever-elegant Esola, and my iníon agus mac, my daughter and son. My sweet Sariël. My sweet Solan. By the Valar, I wrought an oath to Eru, "I shall keep them safe, and safe is where I shall keep them!" 'Twas all for naught... Good Gods... how fabulously I failed them. What I gathered to be mindfulness, hitherto I see was madness. Unto their deaths I sent them, yonder, yonder into the darkness, for surely 'tis where their forms verily lie. Amidst other foul things, the very beasts of burden that my hands sought so fiercely to slay.

Those very hands I held afore my eyes. They had forgotten their strength, trembling like trees amidst a tumultuous storm. It pained me, my heart, for I wished for nay more than to feel the warmth of their flesh neath my fingers. To see their eyes and the Borealis that so brilliantly shines like silver streams neath a winter moon. "I wish to have seen them one last time!"


From beyond the doleful doorway, there issued a great light, one that illuminated her alone and left all else dark, carrying the radiance of new life upon her. She came to stand before him with an outstretched hand; his heart greatly desired this, to hold her hand in his, yet he could scarcely bring himself to muster the might. Her beauty was well-nigh beyond enduring, and his mind had suddenly forgotten the pain that plagued him; rather, it left his flank and flourished within his heart.

"I-it... it cannot be... Esola?!" Riwal said, stuttering and stumbling about his words as he fought to convey an air of sanity and sense. Albeit, containing himself was the furthest thing from his mind. An overwhelming cacophony of sentiments overcame him, moreover, confusion and incredulity. He severely doubted his senses, wherefore little things affected them; surely she was naught more than a figment of his ill imagination. It was far easier to think her past than present. He had lost her once. He could scarcely bear it if he lost her again.

"Forgive me." Riwal began, "Forgive me... forgive me!" His appeal for absolution came in the form of a heart-wrenching scene. A great tremor overcame him, and a burning swell formed at the base of his throat. No longer could he hide his heartbreak, thus his form came away from the cot as he fell to the floor in a disheveled heap. He bled the salt of his soul, and as hot torrents of grief raced freely down his face, he found himself overcome with gut-wrenching sobs. They tore through Riwal's chest as he proceeded to unintelligibly and profusely plead for pardon. From Esola or Eru himself, none could tell. Yet... the reason mattered little... Neither to her nor Ilúvatar. Reasons that were scarcely similar.

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