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"Here is the potion you asked for, milady." Calypso smiled before thanking her aide. The aide looked at her mistress as she took the potion before drinking a glass of water.

"Did you and the lady from last night sleep?" Calypso nodded her head before placing her glass down.

"But why do you need to drink this potion? You only took it if your client was a male the night before." Calypso chuckled.

"Because I don't have to have a child in me a few weeks later. It's a long story." The aide tilted her head, but she didn't ask even further. Calypso continued to read the documents that her secretaries had prepared.

"Call Norman." The aide nodded before excusing herself. It didn't take long for Norman to arrive and greet his mistress.

"Norman, I will write down a couple of names that I need you to find and harass. Do not kill but give them a warning. But if they decided to ignore my warning, you may have my permission to end them all for good." Norman nodded as Calypso gave him his orders.

"You may leave now." Norman nodded before excusing herself. Calypso leaned back to her seat after placing the document down on the table.

Calypso smiled as her mind wandered to what had happened just the night before. Her fingers traced on her neck where Gisele had left her mark on. Calypso sighed before closing her eyes, admiring the beautiful sight of Gisele's naked body towering her as she thrust her hips.

"Oh my- I get to keep my mind out of the gutter." While Calypso was trying to keep herself from procrastinating, someone knocked on her door and entered the room without Calypso's permission.

"Oh- Gisele? What are you doing here?" Gisele looks at Calypso before asking the courtesan if she has some time to spare. Calypso offered Gisele a seat, but she refused.

"I was thinking of asking you to follow me. I need your input on something. Please say yes. I want to get this over with." Calypso seems confused, but she agrees to help Gisele, who seems to be in some trouble.

"What's going on?" Calypso asked. Gisele explained how Rona, Gisele's birth mother keeps asking her where she went last night and how she would smell like someone who just had a night of pleasure with someone.

"How did your mother know that we spent some time alone last night?" Gisele shrugged her shoulder.

"I don't know, but when we met, that woman suddenly asked me if I spend my night with someone. I told her to get the duck off my back, but she continued to ask me wherever I went! It's getting out of hand, and please tell that woman that we do not have a romantic relationship." Calypso chuckled.

"Of course. You ravage my body without a care in the world, and now you want me to act as if all those things didn't happen last night?" Gisele seems speechless.

"I was joking. Don't worry; I will help you. But nothing is free. You need to pay." Gisele scoffed before placing a pouch of gold.

"Is this enough for you?" Calypso smiled before putting the pouch of gold into her drawer.

"Where did you find all of these golds? You seem to be loaded for someone who works as a mercenary." Gisele smiled.

"The perks of having a demon as your mother- she's quite loaded. I mean, she had lived for thousands of years. Of course, her wealth accumulated that much. I can use the money for whatever I want. Now, could you please follow me to see that annoying mother of mind?" Calypso nodded before she got up from her seat.

"Do you mind riding the horse with me?"

"I can use my carriage." Gisele suddenly grabbed hold of Calypso's hand.

"Ride the horse with me." Gisele smiled. Calypso was about to decline, but she noticed that words couldn't seem to pierce through Gisele's thick skull.

"Are you sure you know what you're doing?" Calypso asked as she helped her onto the horse.

"Of course. What kind of person I'll be if I can't even ride a horse with you with me." Gisele smiled before she mounted the horse. After ensuring everything seemed in place, Gisele told Calypso to grab the saddle's cantle for support.

"Hang on." Gisele kicked the horse's side and went on their way towards the royal palace.

"You know, it would be easier for us to use the carriage." Gisele hummed.

"It will take some time to arrive at the palace. At least we could save some time by riding a horse. Don't worry; I won't make you fall. I was told that I have a talent for riding a horse too. I'm a natural." Gisele smiled as she picked up the speed.

"Why do we need to be at the palace immediately?"

"Because my mother is planning our wedding." Calypso laughed.

"What's with the rush? Is she that desperate to make you produce an heir for her?" Gisele didn't say anything.

"Things seem to be a bit complicated on her end. I don't blame her for doing what she's doing, but it seems too extreme for me to handle. So please, explain to her that we're not together." Calypso sighed.

"I thought you liked me. So what if your mother wants us to be together?" Calypso then realized what she was saying.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound so desperate." Gisele sighed.

"With everything that happened, I'm beginning to think that it was my mother's idea in luring me to take that damn potion." Calypso watched as the bystander seemed to awe how fast the horse was.

"You weren't kidding when you said you knew what you were doing. Anyone would have to get into an accident sign how ridiculously fast we are now." Gisele smiled.

"You learned a thing or two when a giant dragon decided to chase you around while riding your horse. Now, hold on tight- we're about to enter the forest now. The road isn't as smooth as it is in the city."


Rona stares as Calypso explains that nothing is going on with her and Gisele. Rona still couldn't believe that her effort in joining the two didn't work at all.

"Didn't you feel something when you two were together?" Calypso seems confused by Rona's question.

"What do you mean by that? Wait- did you trick your daughter into taking that potion?!" Calypso gasped. Rona shrugged her shoulder.

"I thought it would help Gisele to confess her feelings to someone he cares. Didn't she say anything while you two were ... child making?" Calypso blushed as her mind wandered to what had happened the night before.

"She did say something, but she was drunk! It doesn't count!" Rona's faces palm herself.

"Calypso! Words that a drunk person utters are the truth! What did she say?!" Rona seems eager to know.

"Gisele said she likes-" calypso was interrupted when Rona slammed her hands on the table.

"See! Gisele likes you!"

"No. Gisele said she likes how my breasts move as she- you know, while together, she-" Calypso's face flushed once again as she tried to tell Rona what happened last night.

"Please spare me the details. I don't need to know what you did. But I'm sure the devil side made you feel like you're in cloud nine." Rona smiled. Calypso doesn't like how creepy the woman acts in front of her.

"There's no need for us to speak of this." Calypso looks down to cover her face.

"I want to know why is that daughter of mine is obsessed with breasts. Especially yours." Calypso looks up to see Rona staring at her chest.

"You need to pay if you continue to stare at me like that. I am a businesswoman, after all." Rona clicked her tongue in annoyance.

"Don't you want power? Marry my daughter, and I will grant you whatever you want. Power, wealth, title? You name it." Calypso clears her throat when she finally fights off the embarrassment she felt earlier.

"Is there a reason for your desperation? Maybe she's do forcing your child to do what you want you think is best; perhaps you should listen to what she has to say. It's clear that you two need to sit down and talk about this." Rona sighed.

"You don't understand, Calypso. Everyone's future is at stake, and I don't want to ruin everyone's chances of living through their old age." Calypso seems even more confused now.

"It doesn't matter if you took a potion to stop yourself from getting pregnant. A demon's blood is potent enough to endure anything. Who knows, in weeks, you would carry Gisele's heir. The potion she took is one of the higher grade ones too. I made sure of it." Calypso, we're speechless.

"This was your plan all along? What kind of person would trick others for their benefit?!" Rona smiled.

"I'm a demon. What do you expect from me?" Calypso pinched the bridge of her nose. She wondered to herself- why did I let myself get into this mess?

"You've tricked us both!" Rona laughed.

"Oh, come on- sooner or later, you would have to marry someone and have their child. What I did was speed the process, that is all." Rona smiled at Calypso.

"I can't believe I got myself into this mess. How am I supposed to fix this?" Calypso asked no one in particular.

"Don't you want to be a queen?" Rona asked, which made Calypso turn to the demon.

"A queen? Are you out of your mind? Your words could be considered treason against the empress."

"Do you think the empress could do anything to our kind? Please- that woman was willing to sell her soul just so her family and the people of Goterra live in peace." Rona sighed.

"I could wipe out an entire kingdom, but that would be too much. That's why I agreed to help my daughter to win this war. That way, the empire could take over the neighboring kingdom and make my child its ruler." Calypso doesn't know what to say.

"Hold on- so you tricked Gisele into taking the potion to change her gender, and somehow she managed to find me, make us do whatever two-person would do when we share a moment just because you want your daughter; to be the ruler of a neighboring kingdom?! And you want me to be by her side? Why?" Rona sighed before standing up from her seat.

"I hate to admit it, but you know what you're doing, and my daughter only knows how to kill people that crossed her path. I dealt with the empress, and she agreed with my conditions. All I need now is someone who could be Gisele's guide. And I don't think there are people out there that could be a better candidate than you." Calypso pinched the bridge of her nose as she listened to Rona's words.

"There's no need for you to say yes, Calypso. I never knew someone who gave birth to me with used such cheap tricks!" Rona didn't expect to see Gisele entering the room.

"But being queen has its perks, is it not?" Calypso smiled at Gisele, who avoided eye contact.

"I was joking. There's no need to be so serious about it." Calypso was surprised when Gisele suddenly walked up to her.

"Do you want to be queen?" Calypso shakes her head vigorously.

"I can see a little hint of excitement in your eyes. It's the least I can do for what I have done to you. If you like, I can arrange for it." Calypso doesn't know what to say.

"Wait- this is now how I picture!" Rona tried to intervene, but Gisele glared at her mother.

"Sit down, old woman! You've done enough damage for one day!" Rona was taken aback and took a seat.

"I was only helping my daughter to confess, though. It is not fair!" Rona puffed her cheek.

"I am a grown woman! I know what I'm doing! And stay where you are! Keep your mouth shut." Gisele counter. Rona stared at her daughter but didn't say anything.

"Good! Now- where were we?"

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