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    Third Person PoV
    "What was it? I couldn't hear your voice since you're screaming like a lunatic." Rose uses her whip to punish Gisele as she ignores her orders by killing one of her important vassals.
    "I never knew you're into this type of things, Rose. Are you getting excited while hurting me?" Gisele continued to provoke the empress while the prince watched them from the corner.
    "You're on the verge of dying, and yet you think I would enjoy this?!" Rose finally let go of her whip and faced her husband.
    "Kian, why don't you let the grand duchess in and let her handle this woman herself. I'm sure Calypso wouldn't enjoy it more than me." Kian nodded as he went outside and led the grand duchess inside. Gisele turned to her partner with a smile.
    "Calypso, do me a favor and teach your partner how we run things. Of course, I will eventually kill those nobles, but it's way too soon. We haven't been able to find a replacement!" Calypso sighed before she walked towards the dame.
    "You look beautiful today. Is that a new lipstick?" Calypso smiled before using the back of her hand to slap Gisele across the face.
    "If only I knew you would do such childish things, I would have put a leash on you." Gisele winked at her partner while Calypso sighed.
    "Nothing gets through you. If only I had specifically told you what things you should do to them, we wouldn't have been in this situation. We just won a war, but you are, killing nobles without reason. Why didn't you wait for my orders?" Gisele shrugged her shoulder.
    "I was impatient. But you have to admit, killing then might have helped the progress of your secret plan. Even the empress couldn't deny that fact." Calypso turned to Rose.
    "Gisele- you're not yourself. Did someone tell you to continue killing? Did the devil has something to do with this?" Gisele remains calm.
    "Who knows- I might have been too hungry for blood." Gisele winked. Calypso sighed once again before she walked towards a table and grabbed a dagger.
    "Who are you, and what have you done to Gisele?" Calypso asked while burning the tip of the dagger.
    "I am who I am. Who are you to question my identity?" Calypso smirk.
    "Because the real Gisele wouldn't compliment me. That woman is too damn clueless even to notice anything new on me. You're not the real Gisele." Calypso was about to stab the dame's chest when Kian grabbed hold of her wrist.
    "It's dangerous for you to do this. Let me." Kian smirked before he stabbed the dame multiple times in the chest.
    "This is fun." Calypso watched as the prince had a field day stabbing her partner in the chest. She became worried if the prince might be enjoying himself too much.
    "Kian, that's enough." Kian took a few steps back and watched as the dame regenerated.
    "Dame Gisele- is that you?" There was no response. 
    "That hurt. You fucker!" Everyone sighed in relief.
    "You're back- finally."
    "I heard a lesser demon possessed you. How did that happen? You're my daughter- you should be able to fight the urge even if they experienced demons." Gisele tried to ignore her mother, who suddenly appeared out of thin air.
    "I need my privacy." Rona tilted her head before laughing at her daughter.
    "Privacy? What sort of privacy do you need? I need to talk to you. It would help if you let Calypso know that it's dangerous for her to give birth to the child as a human. Do you love the woman, Gisele?" I do! But-
    "In the end, only Calypso could decide whether she wants to be human or be a demon. Mom, let's respect her decision, alright?" Rona sighed.
    "Sometimes, I wonder how stupid can you be, Gisele. If you love someone, sometimes you need to be aggressive. Don't be a pussy." Gisele begins to question why my mother is here.
    "If you have nothing else to say, you may leave my room. I don't want Calypso to hear our conversation." Rona clicked her tongue in annoyance.
    "It's not my problem if Calypso dies of childbirth. She's carrying triplets! I'm only thinking of you, Gisele. You would regret it if Calypso died after giving birth to your children. Do you want your children to live without knowing the person who gave birth to them?" Gisele sighed.
    "Leave." Rona sighed.
    Gisele looks down at her hands as she thinks about her future and how she wants it to be. It didn't take long for Calypso to enter the room with a refreshment tray.
    "Why is Rona so damn sure that I would die from childbirth?" Gisele shrugged her shoulder. 
    "If I could survive letting the children grow in me, there wouldn't be a problem for me to give birth to them while being human. Is there any reason for them to be so adamant about turning me into a demon?" Once again, Gisele shrugged her shoulder.
    "How are you feeling? I'm sure the wounds are fully healed by now." Gisele smiled.
    "I'm fine. I need some rest. I'm sure tomorrow I'll be as good as new. What did you bring for dinner?" Calypso placed the tray on Gisele's lap.
    "I made some chicken soup. I'm not sure if it tastes any good, but I made sure to make it special for you." Gisele was too surprised to say anything. It is her first time being treated like so.
    "I'll be sure to enjoy myself while eating this food." Calypso smiled.
    "Don't force yourself if it tastes bad. After all, it is my first time trying to cook for someone." Gisele smiled as she continued to eat.
    "You kidding me? It tasted wonderful. I can feel I'm getting better just eating this." Calypso smiled as she took a seat on the bed.
    "Perhaps I should be considering turning myself into a demon. Maybe I want to live and raise our children together. What if I'm not that lucky and die without seeing our child?" Gisele grabbed hold of Calypso's shaking hands.
    "It's your choice, Calypso. If you want to know my opinion, I rather than you live to see how our children grow up to be." Calypso smiled.
    "I sure want to see that too."
    "Oh- what a pleasant surprise. I never thought that I would see you here, Calypso. To what I owe this pleasure?" Rona smiled as she helped the pregnant woman into her abode.
    "I would like to know the process of becoming a demon. Will it hurt the unborn child and me? How long does it take, and will it make things difficult for me?" Rona laughed.
    "It's simple, and I can assure you it's not painful. All you have to do is drink my blood, and you're good as new. Of course, you have to fight the urge to devour every human you see, but hey, I'm sure you can control yourself." Calypso seems skeptical about how Rona explains how the process goes.
    "By drinking your blood, I would cease to be a human? How is that possible?" Rona sighed.
    "A demon blood has many benefits for a human such as yourself. Since you're pregnant, I wouldn't want to bite into your bloodstream and give you my venom, right? That process would put a lot of strain on your body. My grandkids are important, after all. The second choice would be through a ritual, but once again, that would prove fatally, and my grandkids will die with you. That is why I suggested for you to drink my blood instead." Calypso takes her time to process her thoughts while Rona pours a glass of water and wine for herself.
    "Anyway, what changes your mind? Did the fear of death finally gets to you?" Calypso shakes her head no.
    "I have never feared death. It's just- I want to continue living for my children, and I want to raise them together with Gisele. After hearing stories and reading books about how difficult it would be for a human to birth a demon child, I decided perhaps I need to put my thoughts aside and finally think about the future." Rona smiled.
    "Is that so? Hmmm- did you finally fall in love with my daughter?" Calypso chuckled.
    "I don't know- perhaps I do have a slight interest in Gisele. Time will tell, right?" Rona sighed as she shook her head no.
    "Humans never change. Why can't you act as your heart wants you to?" Calypso smiled.
    "Because, unlike demons, humans tend to care what others say about them. Demons aren't as good at guessing what others might say because they have no fear. We humans do, and we hate the feeling of being rejected by someone who we care about. Anyway, when shall we start?" Rona raised an eyebrow.
    "Are you certain about this? There is no way back once you consume my blood. Aren't you afraid of what your people might say? What if they know that their grand duchess is half-demon and half-human?" Calypso shrugged her shoulder.
    "Is that even important right now? I'm sure by now, the story of Gisele turning into a monster would spread throughout the empire. And that monster will marry the former courtesan who was given a title by the empress and her dukedom to rule. I'm sure everyone knows what happens next." Rona laughed.
    "If that's the case," Rona took an empty glass and grabbed a knife from the table before slit her wrist. Calypso watched as blood poured like water into the glass, with Rona acting as if it were a normal occurrence.
    "Did you do this often?" Rona shakes her head no.
    "Only for special occasions. Here you go- enjoy." Rona said before licking her wrist.
    "Drink every drop and enjoy the euphoric feeling of turning into a demon." Calypso reluctantly reached out for the glass.
    "Don't be such a pussy. I can assure you, it tastes great." Rona smiled.
    "Gisele, how do I look?" Gisele enjoys her drink when Calypso walks into her room and starts questioning her if she looks any different.
    "You look- what sort of smell is that? Did you buy a new perfume?" Calypso shakes her head.
    "Look at my eyes and see if it's any different than usual." Gisele did, and she was surprised to see it changes color.
    "What happened to you? What did you do?" Calypso chuckled.
    "So it wasn't a hoax after all?" Calypso laughed before she went to the bathroom. Gisele follows suit and continues to ask if something bad has happened to her before.
    "Nothing bad happened. I just went to see your mother and drink her blood. That is all." Gisele, we're surprised and continue to see if anything happened to Calypso's body.
    "I'm feeling fine. The process was a bit tiring, but it's not painful. Of course, I feel like something is eating me from the inside out, but Rona said it's normal." Gisele sighed.
    "You finally made your decision?" Calypso nodded before patting Gisele's cheek.
    "I'll do anything for our children. Anything." Gisele smiled.
    "I'm glad that you're not feeling any trouble with the process. And here I thought you would act unlike yourself once you turned." Calypso chuckled.
    "Drinking blood isn't exactly the food I'm excited for. The taste itself was stale, and it didn't smell very pleasant. I rather eat fresh raw meat compared to blood, to be honest." Gisele finds it amusing to hear Calypso's first experience.
    "How are you feeling today?" Calypso asked while checking into Gisele's wound.
    "I feel like I could conquer a kingdom for you. Say, I'm curious about something. How is the House of Beauty and the guild now that you're a grand duchess. Would it be too difficult for you to handle everything yourself?" Calypso shakes her head no.
    "I don't see the problem in handling everything on my own. Business is going great, and the guild continues to flourish even though I rarely come to visit it anymore. That doesn't mean I would let anyone of anything happen to my businesses." Calypso placed her hands on Gisele's shoulder.
    "Say, why don't we have the wedding after the babies. Because you see, I want my wedding to be memorable. And I don't wish to remember it as me being triple the size of my original figure. I don't feel beautiful at the moment." Gisele did her best not to laugh, but Calypso was too smart for the dame.
    "We shall do as you wish."

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