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  Rose's PoV
  After completing my work, I decided to visit Kiera in her room. But before I could get to her room, I saw my daughter on her way to the balcony.
  "Kiera, what are you doing up so late? I was about to visit you in your room to tuck you to bed for one last time before the engagement tomorrow. Are you nervous?" Kiera smiled at me before nodding her head.
  "I guess it's time for you to hear the 'talk' from me." Kiera chuckled.
  "Daddy said the same thing before he cried in front of me, saying she lost his little girl." I find ut it because that's just how Kian is. He told me how it's too early for Kiera to be engaged to someone when we were married when we were the same age as Kiera.
  "Your father may find it difficult, but as a mother, there will come a time for me to let go since you're all grown up. And the time is now. The moment Philip places his ring on your finger, he is responsible for taking care of you. That doesn't mean he could do anything he wants, just yeh. You're not married to each other. Remember that." Kiera chuckled.
  "Mom, please. Not now." I smiled.
  "If you find things hard to comprehend, there's no harm in asking for our help. Maybe Philip is your future husband, but we're your parents first and foremost. Maybe it's too early for me to ask this but once you're married, do you wish to stay in the palace, or you'll be getting your own home?" Kiera sighed.
  It seems she had a talk with Philip about this.
  "Philip wants to get our own home, but how could I leave the palace when I haven't completed my lesson yet? I will talk to Philip about this." I find it funny how that is what Kiera thinks she should do.
  "So, you choose to think about the empire first than your husband? Philip works hard to be where he is now. I understand if he wants to show you that he can provide what your father and I have given you since you were born. Give him a chance. And about those lessons, we can always ask them, teachers, to come to your home after you're married." Kiera sighed.
  "It seems you're eager to make me move from the palace. I understand. More alone time with daddy, huh?" Kiera, though she's being cheeky.
  "What kind of parent do you think I am? I'm just telling you that it's fine for your father and me if you decide to live your own life. Anyway, do you have any concerns you would like to ask me?" Kiera sighed heavily before she turned to me.
  "How did you and daddy remain close after married to each other for so long? I'm sure it's never rainbows and happy days for the both of you. But how did you and daddy never get tired of each other presence?" I laughed.
  "Oh honey, sometimes we despise each other that we decided not to see each other for a few days. But at the end of the day, we couldn't handle being apart for too long because we love each other. Love is what keeps us together." Kiera hummed.
  "What? Did you think there's more to it? Trust me, honey, once you're married to someone you love. Even when he's doing the worse thing you could imagine, you'll learn how to live with it." Kiera continues asking her mother more things about being married to another person to feed her curiosity.
  "Are you that nervous?" Kiera nodded.
  "I am. But I'm sure tomorrow will be fine." I wonder if Kiera knows that Vargan has feelings for her. Even I notice how heartbreaking he knows she accepted Philip's proposal.
  "Kiera, have you talked with Vargan for these past few days?" Kiera shakes her head no.
  "I tried to see him, but he's been avoiding me for the past days. I think Vargan is still mad at me." Oh- does she knows?
  "Why would Vargan be mad at you?"
  "Because I said yes to Philip. Vargan has never liked Philip since they met. But as a dear friend of mine, he should be happy for me." Oh, Kiera- you're too hopeless.
  "Do you think that's the only reason, Kiera?" Kiera nodded. Oh, dear.
  "I don't think that's the only reason, though. Anyway, do you think Vargan will come to your engagement tomorrow!" Kiera sighed.
  "I hope so. He's my friend- he should be there for me." I patted my daughter's shoulder before telling her that she should be sleeping by now.
  "Come on- let's go back to your room." We continued to talk about many things regarding the expedition as we walked towards her room.
  "Mom, will you be wage war against the Westerners? It's been five years since the last war, and the Western Kingdom doesn't seem like they will keep their intention a secret anymore. Why don't we just let the Westerners have their way, and we just shunned them after?" If we do that, the Westerners will think we're an easy target.
  "After the expedition, I have decided to let the Western Kingdom do whatever they wish, but to do that, they need to give back every land, honor, and reward the empire had bestowed. But the king refuses to do so. Because they know if they return everything that the empire has given, they're nothing but powerless country." Kiera hummed as she opened the door.
  "Then let them have it. We should take everything back by force. I'm sure aunt Constance will understand why we shunned her husband." I smiled.
  "Not that simple. We need to be calculating. For the past five years, we have tried to change their mind, but the king is stubborn. We need to think of the people as well. They're innocent." I patted my daughter's cheek.
  "That's enough politics for tonight. Sleep- tomorrow is your big day."
  I was on my way towards the ballroom when I came across a group of nobles conversing.
  "The only reason I am here is that I'm afraid the empress would condemn my family for not attending the princess's engagement party. If I were given a choice, I wouldn't want to be here in the first place. To think a princess who will be the empress of the empire would marry a peasant without any good background. If I am the empress, I wouldn't want my daughter to marry trash." As I thought, the nobles weren't as accepting when Kiera announced her engagement to a knight.
  Even if Philip works hard to get himself a title, nothing could change that he is an orphan without any acceptable background. Those words reminded me of when I decided to marry Kian.
  "Even though that peasant showed himself gallant in battle, that doesn't mean he is perfect to be the husband of the future empress. Prince Kian was an exception because even though he's an illegitimate child, his father is part of a noble family. Sir Philip is an orphan who grew up on an alley." I sighed as I listened to the nobles talk bad about Philip.
  "Rose? What are you doing here? I thought you would be at the ballroom by now." I placed a finger on my lips when Kian made himself known. Luckily those nobles didn't hear him.
  "Listen." Kian then turned his attention to the noble while hiding himself.
  "Just imagining that our descendent would have to serve a peasant child makes my blood boil. Why do we have no say in the princess betroth? We could introduce our sons if the situation fits. But the empress is too stubborn for us to handle." Oh- I'm the stubborn one?
  "The empire has lost its reputation because of the princess. I'm sure other countries out there are laughing at us." Kian was about to show himself when I grabbed his hand.
  "There's no need to get to their level. Everyone has every right to have their own opinion. We should let these nobles say whatever they want to say. None of them ever saw Philip on a battlefield yet. Even Gisele was having a hard time sparring with him. I'm sure we made the best decision, and it's according to Kiera's preference too. As long as our little girl is happy, that's all that matters." Kian sighed.
  "We should greet our honor guests." Kian takes hold of my hand, and we leave the hallway. As we were on our way to the ballroom, they met one of the triplets.
  "Reginald? What are you doing here alone?" Reginald now his head when he saw the empress and the prince.
  "I'm waiting for my sisters." That's suspicious. Calypso and Gisele will never let the triplets alone in the main palace.
  "Reginald, what are you doing?" I asked once again. The child remained silent while his fingers started to play with the hem of his shirt.
  "Reginald, come with us. I'm sure your parents are looking for you." Reginald sighed before he followed us to the ballroom. 
  "Reginald!" Gisele immediately grabbed hold of Reginald's collar when we walked into the ballroom.
  "Where were you! I thought I told you to follow your sisters!" Ah- so this little boy did something. Reginald apologized to her mother before staring at me. He asked me to keep my mouth shut.
  "He's probably lost." Kian smiled before we proceeded to greet the guests. We continued to greet the others until I noticed something was wrong with my husband.
  "Kian- your hand is shaking. What's wrong?" Kian smiled.
  "It's nothing. It seems it was just yesterday when I held Kiera in my arms. And today, she's going to be engaged to someone whom she loves. Don't you think it's too early for that girl to betroth to someone?" Even if he said that now, isn't it too late for us to do anything?
  "Kian- we talk about this. It's time for Kiera to grow up and live her own life. Enough- you should smile when Philip and Kiera walk into the ballroom. Don't make her cry." Kian sighed as I placed my arm around his.
  "It's time." Kian tried as hard as he could to stop himself from crying when the herald opened the door for Philip and Kiera. I don't see Vargan anywhere, but I do see his mother together with Gisele. In the end, he decided not to come to the party.
  Will that boy be able to heal himself from that heartbreak? On the other hand, Philip grew to be a handsome young man with so much talent. Not only he's talented with the sword, but he also well versed in ancient languages and war tactics which most knights lack.
  Even I was surprised when Catherine told me that Philip graduated with flying colors after receiving her lesson. This man is one promising lad. I'm sure he could be of help when Kiera took the crown.
  The ceremony went well, and in the end, Kian couldn't control his tears the moment Philip slid the ring to Kiera's finger. I am so embarrassed by how my husband reacted to the whole ceremony, but I do find it amusing. Who would have known that a warrior such as Kian would cry at such a happy occasion?
  "Oh my- luckily, I brought a handkerchief today. Here." Kian took my handkerchief and wiped the tears off his cheek.
  "I could kill a person without hesitation, but I couldn't handle it when my daughter engaged to someone. How is this fair?" I chuckled.
  "I understand. It would be best if you waited until we're alone, then you can continue to mourn your loss. Now please wipe your man tears." Kian sighed.
  "If Philip breaks Kiera's heart or makes her cry- I will kill him. Don't stop me when it does happen." I will probably be joining him if that happens. Let's hope that Kiera and Philip's future is nothing but bursts of sunshine.

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