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  Third Person PoV
  "Is there any news from the dame?" Calypso asked while she read through the documents.
  "Unfortunately, there has been no news from the expedition team. But we did try to get into contact with the dame through a messenger. I'm sure the messenger is on his way now." Calypso nodded before she looked up to her aide.
  "I haven't heard any screams from the triplets for hours now. What are they up to?" The aide smiled and said,
  "The young master and misses are probably with their nannies right now. Does the lady wish to see them?" Calypso shakes her head no.
  "I hope they're not bullying the nannies like they usually do. I will never condone such behavior. Tell the nannies to teach them a lesson or two if they continue to act that way." The side nodded before she excused herself.
  "Norman- are you here?" Norman appeared from the shadows and bowed to the grand duchess.
  "How is the guild doing?" Norman keeps his head low. 
  "Everything is under control. The proxy the lady chooses did well to keep the guild doing." Calypso hummed.
  "What about the House of Beauty. I heard a few rumors regarding the courtesans'. Is the rumor true?" Norman nodded his head.
  "Yes, but do not worry. The manager ensured that any client who tried to do harmful things to the ladies will be punished by law." Calypso smiled right before she heard someone screaming outside of her window.
  "It's Reginald, isn't it?" Norman nodded before Calypso turned to the window with a sigh.
  "I'll be right back." Calypso stood up from her seat and went outside to see her son throwing a little stone towards the maid.
  "Reginald!" The five-year-old Reginald stopped whatever they were doing before turning to his mother's fuming face.
  "How often do I have to tell you that you're not supposed to throw stones at the servants! Who taught you to be like this?" Reginald was struggling to release himself as Calypso lifted him from the back of her collar.
  "Reginald!" Reginald finally stopped struggling and apologized to her mother.
  "Did you think I would let you go even after apologizing? You're supposed to be with your nanny. Why are you here harassing the maids?" Reginald pouted.
  "They didn't give Reggie his treats. I want a treat." Calypso sighed.
  "No treats for Reggie until tomorrow. That's your punishment for harming the maids. Now go back to your nanny and stay with your sisters." Calypso placed Reginald down.
  "And if you try to escape one more time, Reggie, mommy will put you in the red room all alone." Reginald nodded his head before he went back to his nanny.
  "Aren't you being too harsh on him?" Calypso was surprised to hear Gisele's voice behind her.
  "Gisele?!" Gisele smiled as she hugged her partner.
  "Did you miss me that much? I was only gone for a year now." Calypso pulled away before ensuring that Gisele had no visible wound on her.
  "You're alright! I thought something bad had happened to you. That is why we couldn't reach out to you." Gisele smiled before she explained how she got a message from a messenger. After reading the letter, Gisele rushed home as fast as possible since their teleportation spell couldn't work.
  "How is everything?" Gisele sighed after she heard her partner's question.
  "It's been five years at the Western Kingdom never back down from their stubbornness. The empress begins to feel annoyed, and she wants to wage war against the Westerners. But the prince manages to convince her to stay down." Calypso sighed.
  "Anyway, the empress wants to hold the princess engagement party with sir Philip. Did you prepare my attire?" Calypso nodded.
  "Of course. Who do you think I am?" Gisele laughed.
  "How did Vargan react to the proposal? I was sure that Vargan has feelings for Kiera." Calypso sighed.
  "Vargan was devastated, of course. He spent two days playing with the triplets after the news broke out. I tried my best to coax him back, and luckily he managed to accept the fact that Kiera was not for him." Gisele hummed.
  "Vargan should have confessed when he had the chance. But why did he keep his feelings hidden?" Calypso smiled.
  "Because Vargan saw how serious Philip was in raising himself into the ranks and finally becoming a knight to be with the princess. Vargan may be a demon, but he knows how to conduct himself." Gisele laughed.
  "That's idiotic. If you love someone, say it out loud. Whatever comes next is a whole different story. He should have told Kiera his feelings before Philip proposed." Calypso and Gisele walked back to their chamber hand in hand while telling each other how it had been for them.
  Calypso chuckled every time Gisele told her how tiring it was following the empress around and how stressful it is to follow the crown's instruction. Gisele then proceeds to ask about the triplets and how it has been for the last year.
  "Reginald has been quite a naughty boy while the girls remain such a sweetheart. Of course, I do feel like Rochelle is planning to take over the world because of how serious she seems while Evangeline stays behind Rochelle's shadows which makes me worried for the future." Gisele hummed.
  "Why would you be worried about that?" Calypso shrugged.
  "I don't know. I wish Evangeline would be as bold as Rochelle is and stop hiding behind her brother and sister too much. I know they're only five years old, but if she acts that way now, I don't know how she will be in the future." Gisele smiled.
  "You're worrying too much. Who knows, Evangeline might be the pillar of the two. We don't know yet." Calypso smiled.
  "You're right. I'm worrying too much." Gisele watched as Calypso took a seat on the bed.
  "You look a little different than usual. Did you do something with your hair?" Calypso chuckled.
  "You noticed? I tried a different hairstyle today. What do you think? Does it suit me?" Gisele nodded.
  "Yes, it does. I'm lucky to have such a beautiful woman by my side." Calypso chuckled.
  "You should be. Anyway, I think we have put our wedding on hold for too long now. How about me proceed with our wedding since you're back?" Gisele smiled.
  "I like that idea."
  "Evangeline- I heard from your nanny that you tried to hit someone. Is that true?" Evangeline nodded her head as she thought it was useless to lie to her mother.
  "Care to tell us why you almost hit that person?" Evangeline turned to her siblings, but Gisele snapped her fingers.
  "Hey- I am talking to you. There's no need to turn to your brother and sister. They won't help you every single time. It would be best if you defended yourself. Tell me the reason why you want to hurt somebody else." Evangeline sighed.
  "It all started when one of the girls talked about mommy and how she used to be sleeping around, pleasuring others. Then they begin to look down on our lineage, how we betray God and born from the devil's spawn." Gisele sighed.
  "Is Evangeline telling the truth, Reginald, Rochelle?" Both Reginald and Rochelle nodded their head.
  "I am disappointed that you three let your emotions control everything. Didn't we teach you three to ignore whatever people said?" Evangeline continues to apologize.
  "Luckily, nothing bad happened to the ladies. If not, even I couldn't stop your mommy from punishing you. Next time, please try to keep yourself calm and walk away. Nothing good will ever happen if you continue to act according to your emotion." Evangeline nodded before excusing herself together with her siblings.
  "That was close. Evangeline, you manage to escape from death once again." Evangeline smiled as she took the lead and walked towards their playroom.
  Gisele, who watched as her children disappeared through the hallways, was surprised to see Calypso suddenly placing her hand on her shoulder.
  "You were too lenient on them. You know what happened, and you've seen the state of the room where the fight happened. That child almost died because Evangeline let her powers go haywire. Why did you let her go just like that?" Gisele sighed.
  "That girl is five years old. We have all the time to teach her about what is good and what is bad." Calypso walked up to Gisele before fixing the collar of her shirt.
  "Will you be going to the training field after this?" Gisele shakes her head no.
  "I'm going to the town. Do you want to join me?" Calypso sighed.
  "I have too much work to do. It's okay. Have fun without me." Gisele hummed.
  "Work can wait. Let's go." Gisele grabbed Calypso by the hand and went to the nearest horse they could find, and made their way towards the town.
  "It's only been five years, and look at how bustling the town is. You've done such a great job, Calypso. Many people, especially mercenaries who want to start a new life, would come here and find a lot of opportunities for them to get back to their life. You've created such a harmonious environment for everyone." Calypso smiled as she walked with Gisele hand in hand.
  "Oh- you almost reveal yourself there." Gisele pulled the hood over Calypso's head as to hide her identity.
  "Thank you. Also, I couldn't do it without all the help I could get. This is not my achievement alone. Also, where are we going?" Gisele smirked.
  "I heard from Norman that there's a place where they sell the best meat skewers ever. I'm trying to find it." Calypso couldn't believe her ears.
  "But we just had breakfast."
  "Oh, there's always room for more food in my stomach. Come on- we have never gone on a date before. Why don't we treat this as a date." Calypso chuckled.
  "A date? I never knew that it included searching for meat skewers before. This is what I get for choosing someone who loves to eat." The couple continues to hunt for the skewer shop until they found a booth with many customers lining up to get to it.
  "This must be it. Do we have to line up as well?" Calypso grabbed hold of Gisele's collar.
  "Of course! If you announced who we are, what's the point of using this robe in the first place?" Gisele sighed as she got in line.
  "Do you think we can get it today? Yesterday was a bust." Calypso heard two male teens talking in front of her.
  "I hope so. It's been a while since we had decent food. I'm sure the children will love it. Luckily the amount of pay we have today is enough for us to splurge a little." The teens continued to talk before one of them turned to the back to make eye contact with Calypso. The teen was surprised by how beautiful Calypso was.
  "Even with the hood on, your beauty cannot be hidden. You almost made an innocent kid drool all over the ground." Gisele continues to tease.
  "Please stop embarrassing me." As the couple lines up, a group of law enforcers arrived and decided to cut the line.
  "Oh, come on! They can't do that! They should line up!" Gisele raised her voice as the law enforcers made their orders.
  "It's better to let them do whatever they want. Those law enforcers will use their power to arrest anyone they please. We should keep watching." Said an elderly man, but Gisele clicked her tongue in annoyance and walked up to the law enforcers, followed by Calypso.
  "Hey! You should be lining up like the rest of us! Who makes you special?" Calypso sighed as Gisele made a huge fuss over meat skewers.
  "Back off! We're in a rush!"
  "So is everyone, but we still wait for our turn! Drop the ducking skewers and get back in line!" One of the enforcers turned around to show how superior he was to the others.
  "Back off and let us do whatever we want. Don't you know who we are? You will get into trouble if you continue being this way. Fuck off!" Gisele grabbed the skewer before one of the enforcers managed to grab a bite.
  "You don't deserve that!" Calypso sighed before she revealed herself. The grand duchess was afraid that it might turn south if this continued. The enforcers were surprised before they bowed to the grand duchess. Gisele smirked before she removed her hood as well. 
  "It's just a meat skewer." Calypso shakes her head in disbelief.

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