Chapter 5

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We arrived back on Coruscant after discovering it was nothing and Ahsoka had seemed to have calmed down.

"You alright? You haven't spoken to me since you yelled," I asked putting a hand on her shoulder "huh? yeah, I'm fine. We better go to Master Yoda, we need to speak to him about what happened remember?" she replied, and although I knew she was bullshitting me I decided to let it go. 

I knocked on Master Yoda's door but he wasn't here. "Padawans, here for what you are?" Master Yoda asked from behind us, making us both jump, "Master, didn't see you there... we have a question," Ahsoka explained. He nodded and brought us into his quarters. We sat down and we explained what happened on the ship. "Hmm..." he began, clearly intrigued, "know of anything similar happening, I do not. In the jedi archives, something about this there might," he stated, Ahsoka and I looked at one another surprised "know everything one cannot, as wise as one like myself is. Always more to learn their is," Master Yoda chuckled. 

Master Yoda was obviously curious by what was going on so he decided to come with us to the archives. As Ahsoka and I went over to the computers Master Yoda stopped us, "no, the restricted section we will go," he said surprising us again "but... aren't only select council members allowed in?" I asked "an exception, made one can," he replied. 

Master Yoda let us in and it was surprisingly larger than the section open to everyone. "Wow," I gasped as I sensed much dark side coming from certain holocrons and much light from others. He brought us to the section on force bonds... why is it in here? maybe we'll never know. "That one," The Father said in my mind and one of the books sent me a... message? I don't know. Either way I walked up and picked it up, "hmm? catch your eye does it?" Master Yoda chuckled "I don't know how, but it was... calling to me," I explained and he was clearly intrigued by this as well "much mystery surrounding the two of you, there is," he said as I opened the book and I flipped through until I found a page explaining what happened exactly. "It says here that what happened it says 'a Force dyad, also known as a dyad in the Force, is a rare and ancient type of Force-bond that paired two Force-sensitive beings and made them one with the Force. The power of a dyad is as strong as life itself, and the individuals who formed a dyad shared a connection that spanned across space and time'," I stated, I looked at Ahsoka in surprise "so... long story short we're as close as two people can get?" Ahsoka asked "appear so, it would. To do with Padawan L/n's recent boost in the force, it could. Padawan, interested by the knowledge in here you seem to be, learn from it would you like?" Master Yoda asked "I would, but I know I can't," I replied. I saw a small smile form on his face, "for the time being, whilst we learn of what happened. Access to the restricted section you will be granted, although limited it will be," he stated shocking me "y-y-y-y-y-" "I think you broke him," Ahsoka commented. Although I know exactly how I got the boost in the force, I don't want to tell any more people about it until I know what happens after I die. Do I have to choose a new person to receive the power? Do I have to keep the balance? "from the light side section, you may learn from," Master Yoda explained as I regained my composure "Master... if it's light side focused then... surely anyone could learn from it?" I asked "grow power hungry, some jedi might. Learn too much they might. Turn against us, they could," he said, I nodded and they left.

After about an hour of studying I heard the door open, I looked to see it was Master Windu, aka the last person I wanted to find me in here. "Padawan, why and how are you in here?" he asked, obviously confused but more angered than anything, "Master Yoda has allowed me access to the light side portion of the restricted section whilst I try to learn of what has been going on to my body as of late. I'm researching to discover what it was that gave me the boost," I explained, I saw he was thinking "I will ask Master Yoda, come, you will be seen before the high council," he ordered. I put the book I was reading back and walked out with him. 

We arrived in the council chamber to find Masters Mundi, Yoda, Kenobi, Plo, and Tiin in person and the others are holograms. "Master Windu, why have you brought my padawan in here?" Master Kenobi asked "I found him in the restricted section, he claims Master Yoda gave him temporary access to it to discover why his sudden boost happened," Master Windu explained surprising all but Master Yoda "Master Yoda, if this is true we could have done it without him," Master Mundi argued "brought Padawan Tano in there as well I have, to learn about their recent force bond. To learn it is, limited access he has been given," Master Yoda explained "Master Yoda, you know only select jedi masters can enter," Master Windu stated "made my decision I have, been informed of this Master Nu has been. Respect it or not, happening it is," Master Yoda replied putting his foot down, metaphorically as his feet don't even make it off the seat, "very well," Master Mundi sighed as Master Windu sat down. "About this... bond, how was it formed? Jedi are not allowed strong attachments," Master Plo asked "we don't know, I just suddenly appeared in her quarters on the venator and that it's a force bond that's apparently as strong as life itself, I have no clue," I replied "as strong as life? this is beginning to get interesting I must say," Master Kenobi stated "they have grown too attached, this bond must be ignored or destroyed," Master Windu argued. Master Kenobi was visibly concerned, knowing what happened last time someone tried to take Ahsoka away from me, "Master Windu, was the council informed of when I went to Illum recently?" I asked trying my best to remain calm "no, what happened?" he asked "I accidentally hurt Ahsoka using my new found power, I don't know what it was or how I did it but it happened, Skywalker pulled her away from me when I tried to make sure she was alright and that I hadn't harmed her too much. I then attacked him in a fit of anger, which ended in him being flung across the ship and being knocked unconscious," I explained "yes I have an attachment to Ahsoka, and I shouldn't have let it grown as strong as it has. But even when we spent two years practically across the galaxy from one another my attachment and care for her hadn't changed. I doubt I could ever get rid of it," I continued. The masters were somehow surprised at my honesty.

Once I left I made my way to Ahsoka's quarters. I knocked on her door and she soon opened it, "hey Y/n, how's your studying going?" she asked letting me in "Master Windu interrupted it, and I've found nothing," I replied "what happened when he did?" Ahsoka asked "he brought me to the council and Master Yoda had to explain why I was in there and why I'm allowed in," I explained "and when I was forced to explain our bond the first words I heard were 'you need to break it'," I continued as I sat on her bed. Ahsoka placed her hands on my shoulders and I looked up at her, "I know you could never break your attachment to me, and our bond is something that could never be broken... we're stuck together now," she said and gently kissed my forehead which made me blush. I stood up and pulled her into a hug, "can I kill a council member?" I asked "NO!" she yelled and slapped my cheek "not even the cunt of a man known as Master Mundi?" I groaned "you could always make it seem like an accident," she whispered in my ear. 

After an hour of laying on her bed together I noticed Ahsoka was getting tired. "You want me to stay here?" I softly asked as she snuggled into me "please," she whispered. I smiled and wrapped my arms around the togruta and watched as sleep overtook her.

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