• Chapter 11 •

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This chapter took so long to write lol, writers block is a pain, but now I have a better understanding of the plot so the chapters should be better and more frequent.

Also thanks a lot for all the reads and votes. You guys make my day.

Hope you enjoy!


Third Person


Boscha woke up to a loud 'thud' sound.

She opened an eye to see that the big shelf, the one Willow keeps some folded clothes on and where the key to the bathroom window usually lays, had tipped over and lay about 5cm away from falling onto her (since she sleeps in a sleeping bag on the floor).

-YASSS I FOUND IT – Willow sounded ecstatic as she picked up something from the pile of stuff on the floor.

-What is that? – Boscha asked with a sleepy voice.

-A jade vine seed, I thought I lost it. – Willow said calmly as she examined her finding, her eyes half closed for some reason.

Boscha, knowing well that she shouldn't, lay back down and closed her eyes.

-Get up princess.

Boscha's eyes shot open faster than a bullet.

-w, WHAT DID YOU CALL ME? – immediately sat up, then turned her face away when she realised how much she must be blushing.

Willow crouched down and gently grabbed Boscha's chin and pulled it towards her to face her.

-Princess? Well, you look like sleeping beauty – she whispered, her eyes still half closed.

-AUDGH FUCK OFF I DO NOT! – she sprung up faster than humanly possible, desperately trying to keep her composure.

She immediately regretted what she said, but she just didn't have the energy for whatever games the damn plant girl was playing this morning

Or, is this a dream?

Willow chuckled.

-You're so easy to fluster.

Boscha frowned.

-Are you high or something? - Boscha rambled, still embarrassed about getting flustered so easily.




-Only a bit - she mumbled.

-Oh my Titan. And before school?... – Boscha found this very amusing.

-Shut up, school's stressful.


They walked to school together. Willow was in her own world listening to Nico Collins and Boscha was busy pushing down her emotions. They split off before the other students would see them together.


-Huh, is that her?

-YE I'm telling you, she's that freak that tried to blow up the school.

-How is she even allowed here.

-no clue.

Not exactly right, but close. Boscha thought to herself. Wherever she went all she heard were whispers about her. At first it made her uneasy, but now she's kind of enjoying it. People should fear her, it puts them in their place.

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