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T H I R D  P E R S O N ' S  P O V

"Welcome home." She said to herself.

As she was leaving the airport and hailing a taxi, she could not deny that she could still return home to Korea, she thought of visiting her mother. When she reached her destination she got out of the taxi, when she entered this building she went to her mother's urn.

"I miss you, Mom. How are you now?" She asks.

She knew no one would answer her, but even so she wanted to talk to her mother, as long as she had not visited her mother because she was far away.

"I miss Joshua too, Mom. I know you missed him, does he visit you here?" She asks.

"I came back here to visit you, and here I will live again. I also plan to talk to Joshua, or maybe I'll go back to him." She said.

"I can't promise, but now I'm sure of my decision." She added.

She planned to go back to her apartment where all the trouble started, but when she remembered that she was hurt so she just decided to find a place to live.

I also need to find Joshua.

J O S H U A ' S  P O V

"Have you heard the rumors?" Minjeong asks me.

"Rumors? What kind of rumors?" I asks.

"They said there was a new doctor, maybe the next day she would come." She answered.

"From where?" I asks.

"She is from Florida, I heard she lived here in Korea, but she left because she had a problem and her grandparents sent her home to Florida." She answered.

When I heard her answer I looked at her, living here in Korea and going home to Florida? As I was eating the burger I was looking at the people walking down the hallway, when I looked at the burger I remembered something. Why in just a simple burger do I remember anything?

Stop it, Joshua, she's not coming back.

"Joshua, I just need to go back to my office." Minjeong says.

"Yeah me too, I can't do anything here." I response.

As we walked down the hallway I saw someone who looked like Naomi again, why do I always see someone who looks like Naomi? I think of her once, but only once?

"I'll go this way, bye." Minjeong says.

"Yeah, bye." I response.

I turned to the right and went to my office, instead of entering I saw someone who looked like Naomi again, I shook my head and just entered. I'll just ignore it, because I shouldn't be thinking about her now, but I remember what day it is today.

It's our 27th anniversary.

I sighed, I took my phone out of my pocket, I just looked at Instagram but I saw that one of Naomi's friends had a story, I looked at it and I saw that they were with Naomi. And the caption is 'welcome home', so she just got here in Korea? 

"Why did I look at this?" I asks myself.

I looked at the second post and I was surprised that it was only 4 seconds, it was a video taken by her friend.

"Just returned from another country, a Naomi is also different." Her friend said.

"You're still beautiful." I said.

I realized what I said, why did I say that? I was going crazy, I put my phone back in my pocket. I'm at work but why is my attention on my phone?

"Naomi just came home." Seokmin says.

"How did you know?" I asks him.

"Because one of Naomi's friends, I was with her at the theater, it wasn't Naomi who called her but their other friend." He answered.

"Naomi's friend is with you in the theater." I said.

"Yes indeed." He response.

As we hung out here in the café I thought, will Naomi come to our house and look for me?

That will never happen again.

"Aish, you're such an idiot Joshua." I said to myself.

"Hey, what happened?" Seokmin asks.

"It's nothing, don't mind me." I answered.

I don’t know if I’m still in the right frame of mind, because now I’m wondering why am I thinking of her now? We left the café because we were going home, we had our own car so we got on.

"I can't get you out of my head, yeah.

Gotta get you out of my head, yeah.

How can you be so fine when I'm, I'm, I'm, I'm!"

I don't know why I shouted the last line, I'm getting frustrated these past few days, I really need to forget her because she said that.

"Why am I so frustrated?" I ask.

I know I'm crazy because I'm talking to myself, even though I know that no one will answer or maybe no one will respond. When my phone rang I took it out of my pocket and looked at who was calling, when I saw that it was Mom I answered it.

"Hello Mom."

"Jisoo, I saw Naomi just right now." She said in the other line.

"Mom, you're seeing things right now." I respond.

Even me that I'm seeing things.

"I'm being dead serious right now, Hong Jisoo." She said.

"Mom I'm driving right now, I'll talk to you later at home." I said.

"Okay call me."

She hang up the call so I'm driving properly right now, traffic still caught up with me so I had to take a break from driving first. I took my phone out of my pocket again, I looked at who was calling and I saw only Minjeong.

"Hey, Minjeong what is it?"

"Hi, Joshua sorry to disturb you." She said on the other line.

"No it's okay, by the way, what is it?" I asks.

"Can you just be with me for my birthday?" She asks.

"Yeah sure." I answered. "Tell when's your birthday?" I asks.

"What day's today... Oh, today is Thursday, my birthday is on Monday." She answered.

"Okay then I'll mark my calendar." I said.

"Thank you, Jisoo. Invite your secretary too, okay?" She said.

"Okay I'll invite her." I response.

She hanged up the call and I put my phone to my pocket again, when I saw the cars moving I moved too, when I reached my destination I got out of my car. I was about to enter the building when I saw Naomi, is this really the real Naomi? Isn’t this a hallucination?

"Naomi!" I called her.

But she didn't turn around, I was hallucinating again.

This is not good.

I wrote this on April 21, -winterbwear please understand:(

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