Chapter 2

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After school Kyumi was on the phone all throw the drive. "Oh yeah...I told him he needs to get over me...... boys I know right, no offense want me to ask him......ok, he bro my friend wanted to know if you're single on Friday."

"Tell her I'm not interested"

"Yeah.....sorry he's a dick I know.....ha yeah I know.... you think Suni is cute.....more like nerdy cute...." I hate that she talks about me when I'm in the car with her. We made it home and I went to my room and got on my video game. Gumi and Yue were connected to me on the game. I put my headphones on.

"Hey you guys there"


"Hell yeah!"

"Ok let's get started!" We like to play zombie games and monster games. But when it's a boss battle Yue always dies first saying shit out loud in my ear, ouch! "Hey, you guys got GTAV yet,"


"Of course"

"Put it in, I wanna play it for a while" we played games till it was dinner time. Since it was the first day so we didn't have homework. Then I heard my father call my name. "Suni Kidami!"

"Guy is right back" I took my headphones off and ran downstairs. "Yes sir"

"We wanted you to know one of our friends from high school is coming over. He has a son that's your age and he goes to your school"

" I know them"

"Oh there kid is named Rin"

"What, Rin Yuma?"

"Well that's great your friends with him"

"No im..." My father walked off. I hate Rin and our parents are friends, this will be shit.

My dad put me and Kyumi in a dress and a suit. All of us were fancy-looking. Then one of the butlers walked in. "Sir Mister Yuma and his family are here"

"Thank you, let them in" Rin, a man, and women all with dark dark brown hair and eyes walk in. "Rin nice to see you again"

Wait he said Rin, like the man's names, was Rin. "Nice to see you two again as well. This is my son Rin Junior but he hates his nickname."

"R.J isn't a name"

"Shh R.J, nice to see Kitito and Sun finally growing up."

"Shut up man."

"Is that baby Kyumi and Suni?"

"Yep that's them, all grown up..." The man introduced himself and his wife. He was nice but his kid is an asshole. I wonder where his temper came from. Kyumi talked to Rin most of the time. But Rin always looked at me. We had dinner and the parents went to the living room for wine. "How about this you kids go play and the adults can talk ok. Suni goes play video games with Rin."

".....Sure dad..." I said with a fake smile. I act like I was friends with Rin so my dad or father will fuss at me for it. I, Rin, and Kyumi went to my room that was cleaned by our maids. "This is your room, make sense pigs like you sleep normally"

"Please don't start this Rin." I sat on the floor trying to connect with Gumi and Yue on the game. "Hey you're back"

"Yeah sorry but...Rin and his parents are visiting mine."

"What!" Gumi and Yue's voice yelled throw my headphones and I can tell that Rin and Kyumi heard. "Yeah are parents knew each other in high school. And....are parents said that I and Rin use to play together when we were young"

"Ok, that's fucked to the up" Yue made me giggle a little.

"Man I feel bad for you man"

"Shut up, if I knew we were once friends I would have thrown up at dinner."

Rin pulled my hair. He took the mic and yelled. "Listen here you pigs, I rather die than let you pigs talk about me like a dick."

"Get off dude" I push him off and I turned on the camera so they can see my room. Gumi and Yue turned on their camera so I could see them. "Oh wow he really is in your room"

"I hate seeing his fucking ugly face again"

"How do you think I feel?" Rin turned off my game. "Hey, you ass hole I was talking to someone!"

"I don't you hate me that much?"

"Why do you care...."

"I don't care about a pig" he leaves the room.

"Suni you are a real ass" Kyumi leaves following Rin. Yeah I know I'm an ass. But not as much as Rin...

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