Chapter 4

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It was a Friday and me and my sister were heading home but she wasn't on the phone I was. "So I need 4 sleeping bags?"

"Yeah, I can't wait to tell them!" Me and Rin keep talking about telling Gumi and Yue that he wasn't the bad guy.

"Yeah, I can't wait either"

"Is your sister there?" I look at my sister.


"I don't think she likes you"

"Why you say that?"

"She's jealous that we were friends playing outside when she was in the beauty pageants, made her see she missed a lot."

"Yeah maybe"

"Can you make sure she doesn't fuck up are sleep over"

"It's a night at my place not a sleep over, that's for girls a babys"

"Whatever, call you later"

"Bye" I hang up and my sister looked even more mad. "What?"

"A night at your place, after you find out he's your so called friend. Bull shit...."

"Uh, ok. Oh yeah no girls aloud and dad and father will agree with me on that."

"Oh daddy likes me more so he won't mind if I walk in on you" I shake my head. We went home and Kyumi asked are father if she could join are night out. "No"


"Sorry young lady but your brother and you are almost 16 and boys these days are very sexual. And I do think want you to be around them ok"

"But dad!"

"No ma'am, I'm sorry just watch TV in your room and I'll add extra money in you credit card and you can go buy that necklace you saw" Kyumi walked off no saying anything else.

I smile and waited for Rin. Rin got there first since I had a plan. Than Gumi and Yue came in. "Why is he hear"

"I'll tell you everything" we went to my room eating some junk food I told Gumi and Yue the story. And we all became friends in that 10 minute talk. "So you stop being friends with the other kids?"

"Yep, I thought it was for the best. And I want to be friends with you guys. It might be a new start for me"

"It will, don't call me Yuema it's Yue, ok" Yue said with a nice look, for the first time.


"My real name is just Gumi" Gumi had a little blush but I didn't noticed since he's always got some type of color on his face.

"So what are we waiting for, let's get this party started" We ate and played games and board games all night. We didn't get tired till 12 but we still stayed up playing another game, of course GTAV. "Stop cheating Yue!"

"Than stop winning asswipe!" Gumi and Yue are on teams and me and Rin were on teams. We were playing on different teams and whoever dies has to give up the remote and gives it to the other team mate.

"Come on Suni do a super move" Rin said with a yawn.

"Kick his butt Yue!" Gumi yawns as well. Than we all yawn at the same time, we look at each other a laugh. "What time is it now?" I look at the clock. "Holy shit it's almost 2 o'clock in the morning"

"Oh woah, well I think we should go to bed." Yue looked at Rin.

"Realy I never get tired....till now" Yue yawns and Gumi laughs.

"I'm tired so I'm going to bed"

"Me two" I rase my hand. Than Rin and Yue put the hands up. "Me three"

"Me.....four" we get in are sleeping bags.

After a few hours past and the sun came up. God fucking sun! I put the pillow over my head. We didn't wake up till 11 o'clock. Once we wock up we looked at each other. "Morning guys"

"Morning dude!" Yue said stretching.

"Morning" Gumi smiled.

"Morning everyone..." Rin looked at me. "So what now?"

"Well you guys don't have to go home till tomorrow so why not a day at the mall."

"Hell yeah!" We got up putting are clothes on. We all ran out the house riding in one of my lemos. When we were driving I keep looking at how much Rin was having fun, I hardly see him smile with those other kids. I think he finally feels like he belongs.

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