Chapter 4

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"So, you need this job? Fine, you'll be paid ten dollars an hour. Oh, and don't forget about your tools. It sure is nasty down in the sewers." The scruffy man points over at Gordon, "Your new name is Ozzie," then to Fieri, "Your Finnegan."

"Why do we need new names?" Gordon asks.

"Lots of people are big fans of yall, new names are all you'll need to stay from the publicity down here.

"You're telling me people are gonna recognize us in these slumps?" Said Fieri.

"Yeah, my workers are huge fans of you. Wanna know why one direction split up? They got into debt and had to work for me. We just gave them Twilight names, you know, from that popular TV show?"

Fieri quickly chims in, "Wait, can we get Twilight names? Wait- no, Frozen! I'll be Anna-"

"Oh bloody hell." Gordon interrupts. Gordon starts going into the sewers so he can actually get paid, and leaves Fieri behind.


Gorden Ramsay looked at the solid sandwich in his hands and felt irritable.

He walked over to through the dark tunnel and reflected on his deserted surroundings. He had always hated the industrial Plumbing Job with its helpless, healthy house. It was a place that encouraged his tendency to feel irritable.

Then he saw something in the distance, or rather someone. It was the figure of Guy Fieri. Guy was a malicious god with hairy fingers and curvy ankles.

Gorden gulped. She glanced at her own reflection in the muddy water. Gordon was a greedy, arrogant, beer drinker with fat fingers and grubby ankles. His friends saw him as a poised, plain plumber. Once, he had even made a cup of tea for a fantastic disabled person.

But not even a greedy person who had once made a cup of tea for a fantastic disabled person, was prepared for what Guy Fieri had in store today.

The hail pounded like swimming elephants, making Gorden angry.

As Gorden stepped towards him, Guy Fieri came closer, he could see the slimy glint in his eye.

"I am here because I want revenge," Guy Fieri bellowed, in a hungry tone. He slammed his fist against Gorden's chest, with the force of 8013 goldfish. "I friggin love you, Gorden Ramsay."

Gorden looked back, even more angry. "Guy, I love you," He replied.

They looked at each other with unstable feelings, like two teeny, tan tortoises partying at a very snotty funeral, which had piano music playing in the background and two stupid uncles shouting to the beat.

Suddenly, Guy Fieri lunged forward and tried to punch Gorden in the face. Quickly, Gorden grabbed the solid sandwich and brought it down on Guy's skull.

Guy's hairy fingers trembled and his curvy ankles wobbled. He looked puzzled, his body raw like a powerless, pong plunger.

Then he let out an agonizing groan and collapsed onto the ground. Gordon Ramsey realized what he had done, and picked him up over his shoulder.

"Did Guy Fieri just confess feelings to Gordon Ramsey? Man, I'm a huge fan of your show!" A southern accent man hollered across the sewers, he must've seen what just happened. And heard our real names too. A crowd of people start to form around, cheering and wanting an autograph. Their scuffy boss makes it through the crowd and looks at him disappointed. Damn it. Gordon thinks to himself.


"Look, I understand your need for this job but they know who you are now and they won't be able to focus on the job if ya stay. Also, what the hell happened to Guy Fieri?" The two of them look over at a partially awake Guy Fieri sitting on a chair, mumbling spewed words. Their boss hands them their money on the desk, Gordon takes it.

"We got in a bit of a fight, I don't know why really." Gordon has a complex look on his face.

"Well I'm sorry son, but you gotta go." Gordon and his ex-boss nod at each other and carries Guy Fieri back to his place.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2022 ⏰

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