Night in office

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Lisbon's Pov

Today I'm staying night at office. Wow again. But honestly I little bit like it and little bit hate it, I like how quiet this place is, but sometimes it seems a little bit scary to know I'm in this big building alone with my thoughts.

"Hi boss." Grace said and there she is, woman, what completely took my breath away everytime she speaks. I can't be near here, I'm afraid I will do something stupid.

"Hello Grace, how are you today?" I said pouring myself a cup of coffee.

"Good. I'm staying night at office tonight, so I hope I will survive it." I immediately stop what I was doing and looked at her with a confused look on my face.

She's staying night at the office too? Oh my god, no. I hope this is just dream I can't survive entire night alone with her. I don't knew what to say next, so I just smiled and walked away.

Immediately after reaching my office I closed door and went straight to couch. I fell right onto it and after few minutes I chose to sleep little bit, because of today's night. Long night it will be, yea.


Everyone already left and now it's me and her. God, why this woman must have this effect on me? I went to her desk and noticed that she's looking like she doesn't have anything to do.

"Do you have anything to do?" I asked her and she shot up her head, it seems like she's already tired, honestly me too. I always kinda hate this nights.

"No, I'm thinking what can I do." She said standing up and heading to kitchen. I'm shortly behind her. Thank God, she doesn't turned around, because she will see me blushing, I need to get over those feelings for her.

Van Pelt's Pov

Lisbon seems more weird today than normal. What's going on with her? I should ask her.

"Hey boss, are you good? You seems weird today." I say smirking, she doesn't say anything for a couple of minutes, after that she respond with.

"Grace, call me Teresa or Lisbon, please. And I'm fin-ne wh--y are you wo-r-ried?" She stutter to say. Now, I know she's lying to me, because she never stuttering an answer.

"Ok, Teresa. What's going on? Please truth." I say and she take a deep breath before starting.

"I'm not sure if I can tell you, it could ruin our friendship." She say trying to look away. This seems weird. Why can't she say it? What could it be? I think to myself, but I need to know what's going on with her, she's my friend and I want her to be okay, even if deep in my heart I want her to be more than friend.

"Yes, you can. Don't worry. I will not be mad." I say and wink, she laugh at me.

"Ok. But no interruptions okay?" She say and I nod. She take a deep breath before starting, but I can notice her blushing. Why?

"Last 8 months I'm fighting with my feelings for you. 8 months ago, when we were at bar and I notice you talking with some guys. I get suddenly jealous, I don't know why. But, I guess those feelings are inside me for longer time than I know. But, this sentence is going through my head every day, every night. Grace Van Pelt, I love you. And I know you don't love me back, because you surely have boyfriend, how can woman like you don't have boyfr-." I cut her off with a passionate kiss, taste of her lips is so soft and sweet. Like cherry and vanilla, maybe? But, that doesn't matter right now, only thing what matters now is her. Teresa Lisbon. I think kiss last for 4 minutes, before we needed to pull away for some fresh air.

"Why would you do that?" She say taking a step closer to me.

"Because, I have those feelings inside me too. Long." I say and before I can continue, her lips is on mine and another beautiful kiss is shared, but before I can notice anything else than her lips, we are on her couch in her office. This night take an unexpected turn of events. Our night ended with make out session without tops.


I wake up in an unfamiliar place, but what matters more is that beautiful face in front of me. Teresa.

"Hey sleepy head. How are you feeling?" She say rubbing my thigh, then I remembered what happen last night. Oh my god. This is not good.

"Hey, good. But, do you remember what happened last night?" I say and she look on floor before nodding her head.

"That can't happen again. Okay?" I tell her and she nods again. But, I'm in bad position I need to choose between my job and Lisbon. I want her, but I love this job too. Why I must be in position like this? I left her office and headed to my desk, with my head full of thoughts about Lisbon. Luckily nobody is here, except for Jane. Yeah, of course he must be here. And now I realize, Jane will maybe be able to figure out, that me and Lisbon have something going on between us. But, nothing is going on between us, and it will stay like that. Right?

Lisbon's Pov

After Grace left, I sit on my chair and start thinking about Grace. I can't have relationship with her, it will ruin us both. I need to get over that fact. Grace Van Pelt, why are you having this effect on me? Maybe I can ask Jane what he will do. Maybe? I don't know. I want both things, Grace and this job. But, I can't have it both. When thoughts literally starting to annoy me, I get up and head to bathroom. When I reach it, I splash cold water on my face and look at myself in mirror, to the moment when someone speak up.

"You good?" I turn around and notice Grace is standing there. I don't know what to say, she is closer and closer every second. I just look at floor, but that don't last long, because I can feel her hand at my chin. She raised up my head and we kiss again. My god. I want this to be forever. She start to take off my pants, but for the moment I feel like this can't happen, but it quickly go away, when my pants reach ground. I take off her shirt, pants and bra. She lift me up on bathroom counter and start kissing down my body. Every kiss feels so good, I'm trying hard not to moan, but it was nearly impossible when she take off my panties and... I think you know what happened next, thankfully we didn't get caught.

I'm sitting in my office and it's harder to choose because of what happened in bathroom, because I literally had sex with Grace, few minutes ago. I don't know how am I going to handle this, but I must, somehow.

Supressed Feelings - Grace Van Pelt + Teresa LisbonWhere stories live. Discover now