Chapter Two

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I went to the Batcave where Dick and Tim were in the middle of training. "We didn't know you were stopping by, Jay." Tim says as I remove my mask. I absorbed some of the blood on my suit into an analyzing container and sat down at the bat-computer, "Neither did I."

"What are you doing?" Dick asked as they walked up behind me.

"I saved a girl from muggers tonight, and when I took her to the hospital, she knew who I was. I got a sample of her blood and now I'm finding out who she is." I explain as the computer shows a loading bar with 'analyzing' at the top and the rising percentage of completion on the side. When it reached 100 percent, the screen went to a portfolio of the woman I saved.

Age: 19
Current Location: Gotham City
Alias: None..."

There was other information, but she was just a normal citizen. But how?

I don't get how she knew who I was. Who was I to say she didn't know who the rest of the Bat Family was. I exited her profile and got up from my seat. "Where are you going?" Tim asked, and Dick added again, "Aren't you going to see Damian or Bruce before you go? Alfred?"

"I can't. I'm going to get answers in person," I say, putting my helmet back on, "But tell them I stopped by."

Leaving the cave, I hopped on my motorcycle and zoomed to the hospital.

I spotted her room and luckily her window was cracked open a little bit. Even easier. Slipping in silently and closing the window back within seconds, her eyes fluttered open and they landed on me. I saw her cuts were bandaged and we stood in silence until I spoke up. "Who are you?"

"I would've thought you knew that already," Her voice was soft and weak, but she still shed a small smile, "Being the badass in Gotham in all." I raised my helmet to my red domino mask which, to her expression, was to her liking.

"How do you know who I am?"

"I'm smart." She smirked.

I sent her a glare as she raised an eyebrow. I started walking back to the window as she asked, "How did you get in?"

I open the window back up, squatting down on the edge, "Window was open."

She smirked as she watched, "Then maybe I should leave my window open more often."

I give a grin before putting my mask back on. Jumping from the window, I grapple to the roof of a neighboring building and head home. I don't know what it was, but I had a feeling I was going to see her again.

I wanted to.

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