Chapter Nine

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My phone began to ring as I made a sandwich. I reached for it and realized that it was Nia who was calling.

I put it to my ear as I answered, "Hello-"

"Jason, get down to the hospital right now." Nia nearly interrupts in a shaky breath as I notice there's a lot of ruckus in the background.

I furrowed my eyebrows as I put the bread down and sped walk to my room, "What's going on?"

"D-D-Deathstroke is here. He's looking for me again," She stutters in pure fear, "His men burst into Gotham General and started calling my name and people are screaming and running around and they're breaking windows and shooting and-"

"Nia, I need you to hide." I interrupt her rambling voice, "What floor are you on?"

"The fourth." She answers quickly, "The hallway for x-ray exams."

"Okay, run to the farthest room you see right now to your right."

I was putting on my helmet and connecting the phone call to my intercom when I heard the wind blowing against the phone, indicating she was doing as told.

"I'm here-" She announces.

"Now go inside and go into the bathroom. Lock the door and breathe, Nia," I reassure, "I'm on my way."

"What if they reach me before you do?" She asked worriedly and as I jump onto my motorcycle, she continues to ask those irrelevant what if questions.

They were irrelevant because they weren't gonna happen.

"They won't." I again interject, trying to help her calm down at least a little, "Nia, I'm almost there."

"Please hurry." She whispers tearfully, and I pull back the handle of the armored motorcycle to speed up.

When I finally reached the chaotic hospital, I noticed police were already there, but they weren't going in because of hostages.

And I couldn't be seen, so I needed to figure out how to get in.

I stopped the bike and placed one foot on the ground to balance myself. I looked around for any type of opening, but everything was already blocked off.

I looked up.

Except the roof.

I got off my motorcycle and made sure my guns had enough rounds in them before moving around the hospital to find a good spot to grapnel to the roof.

When I did, I looked around for a vent to open. It took a couple minutes, time that I didn't have, to find one big enough to fit in. I dropped into it, then shot myself out of it.

I finally dropped onto the fifth floor, having to go down one more level to reach Nia.

The fifth floor was completely abandoned, since I'm guessing everyone tried to reach the bottom floor to escape safely. But, I could still hear the rampage underneath me.

I headed for the stairs, jumping down to keep from wasting anymore time. I opened the door to the party.

People were screaming and screaming even louder when they saw me. I ignored it as I walked down the hall, looking at signs to lead me to x-rays.

Papers were flying everywhere, glasses were broken, Nia wasn't exaggerating.

But I began to wonder what they expected her to do from this? Making it so obvious that they were here for her?


I pulled my trigger down a hall, hitting one of Deathstroke's hitmen. I dodged a couple bullets from another one, effortlessly making my way toward him.

I shot him, surprisingly not in the mood to actually have some fun with them.

I passed and finally saw the sign for x-rays, pointing down to the right. I turned my head the other way as I see two men running towards me with katanas in their hands, still keeping the Deathstroke look though.

I dodged a swing, catching the others katana between my palms flatly, pulling it to my side and out of his hand.

I elbowed the one with the katana, causing him to hit the wall hard. The other pulled out a gun that I threw up so the bullet went through the ceiling, kicking the other in the head against the wall again.

I twisted the gun, taking his hand with it and cracking it. I grabbed his arm and brought my knee up to his elbow, breaking it as it bends in all the way. He screeched in pain as I threw his body into the one trying to recover from his blow to the head.

I shot both as I walked back to the right, turning right as I saw this was the last hallway.

I reached the last room, breaking through the locked door into the and x-ray room.

I looked around, realizing there wasn't any other door here.

Damnit, I'm stupid.

Her right was my left...

I shook my head with an irritated roll of my eyes from my stupidity, running out the room and heading the other way.

I broke through the last door, seeing it was an empty patient room. Then another door for the bathroom.

I knocked on it besides breaking through it to give Nia a heart attack.

"Nia, it's me." I say and I hear heavy shuffling behind the door.

I stepped back when the door flew open, nearly hitting me.

"Well isn't this a surprise."

I slightly froze when Slade stepped from the darkness of the bathroom, Nia under his arm with a gun brought to her throat.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2017 ⏰

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