Chapter Seven

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When I woke up, I smelled breakfast being cooked.

I headed to the kitchen where Nia was already preparing pancakes and bacon.

"Good morning." I say as I lean my shoulder on the wall, voice still raspy from my deep sleep.

She turned and looked back at me, still only wearing my black T-shirt that stopped less than half of her thighs.

"Morning," She smiles, "Pancakes and bacon?"

I smirked a little and nodded, turning around and heading to the bathroom. I took a quick shower before coming back to eat.

Her hair was in a ponytail and her painted toes scratched the back of her calves teasingly. "Your plate's right there." She points the spatula at the already made plate on the counter, then flips the last pancake.

"Maybe having you around here won't be that bad." I reply with a faint smirk as I take my plate.

"What? Wait, don't tell me you haven't had a fresh breakfast in a while." She says, looking at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Nope," I confess carelessly, "It's been cereal for breakfast almost everyday."

"And what about those other days?" She asks, making herself a plate.


A gasp escaped her lips as she picked up her plate and joined me in the living room, "A life without pancakes? It's a sad world you live in."

I chuckled as she smiled, beginning to eat.

Her phone began to ring, so she placed he plate on the couch carefully, then reached for it on the nightstand.

"Hello?" After a pause she looked up at me, "Sorry, I have to take this."

I nodded and she got up and sped walk to the bedroom. When I heard the door close, I got up. I couldn't help my curiosity.

I went to the door and pressed my ear against it, hearing her speak angrily.

"It wasn't my fault....I didn't ask to get attacked!....I-I don't care!" It sounded like her voice beginning to get teary, "I--I...I don't care! You knew I was in the hospital, but you never came to visit me! You didn't care about me then, so why the hell should I give two fucks?!...You know what, fuck you, Derrick...Because I found someone else anyways!!...Yup, someone different, better than you...Just stay out of my life, how does that sound?...FINE!"

Suddenly, the door flew open, and Nia ran into me instantly, causing both of us to fall.

I scrunched up my face as I sat up, rubbing my head from the impact. She looked up at me and she had tears in her eyes.

"I-Im sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's fine. It was my fault."

She stood up and wiped her face, then slowly looked back at me, glaring at me sharply, "You were eavesdropping."

I scratched the back of my neck as I stood up, not coming up with an excuse in time.

"Ugh," She scoffed, pushing my chest and walking back down the hallway.

"Sorry," I say, "I didn't mean t-"

"I just can't have any privacy, can I? Is  that too much to ask? Couldn't have it at home, couldn't have it with him, and now I can't even have it with the damn Red Hood. And I thought he would be the most austere about privacy." She mutters angrily, and I raise an eyebrow.

"Nia," I turned her around, "What are you talking about?"

She sighed deeply and put her hand on her forehead, "Nothing. Just...nothing. Now can we please just eat and watch TV in peace?"

She walked away from me and back to the couch, crisscrossing and putting the plate in her lap. I kept an arched eyebrow as I sat down in my previous spot, watching how indignantly she ate.

"How much of that did you hear?" She asks, closing her eyes.

"Maybe all of it...?"

She put her hands in her face. "If only you weren't the Red Hood..."

I smirked and she looked up at me, pointing a finger.

"A-And when I said I found someone else, I only said that to make him jealous!"

"Did you?" I narrow my eyes at her, "Did you really?"

"Yes, I did." She pouts, standing up and taking her plate to the kitchen. She then stormed to the bedroom and slammed the door shut loudly.

I smiled, secretly surprising myself.

I got up and walked to the door, knocking on it with the arch of my finger. "Niaaa." I sing softly and I heard her groan as if her face was in a pillow.

"You're gonna have to come out because we have to go get your clothes."

She groaned louder, causing me to laugh.

Nia, Nia, Nia...

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