𝐢𝐢. 𝐥𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐲 𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐬

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"well, sure will. how'd you know i like this stuff though?" spencer looked at the tall man standing in front of her. she wasn't particularly short, but wilbur was giant. spencer bit her lip looking around at the apartment. the rain had stopped and sun was peeking through the windowsill onto their couch. will was only visting the u.s for 2 years, he was actually from the u.k. his band lovejoy was making they're next album here. will said they needed a change of scenery. he felt cramped up in brighton, england no longer really felt like home. wilbur had wanted to see more of america, this seemed like a good opportunity. the rest of his bandmates stayed other places, some rooming together. wilbur just wanted to meet new people and truly discover something different. this was spencer's apartment and it was covered in plants and clutter. she loved her space, she hoped will enjoyed it too. she smiled and sat down, noticing her chair already pulled out.

wilbur smiled back at her before taking a seat as well. she looked quite beautiful at the moment. her face barely had any makeup on and she looked simple. wilbur appreciated the effort spencer put into her looks. she looked just as stunning without all the effort though. he wished he could care that much about his appearance. it was hard for him to get out of bed most days. a chore to stream and make his music, even if he loved doing that.

"it's not so hard to pay attention spencer, you're an open book." 255 words. five was spencer's lucky number. spencer smiled down at her plate, trying to make sure she didn't blush. she was sure will would be alarmed at the crush spencer had on him. spencer didn't wanna scare him off now that the two had even remotely gotten closer. she wanted to maintain a friendship with him, even if he ended up going back to england in a few months. little parts of spencer wished he would stay. she liked being around wilbur, even if he made her feel absolutely stupid. her chest was always tight around him and she couldn't ever find the words to say. he was so well-spoken and everything seemed to come easy. spencer was always struggling. why did he make it so hard? why could she not find one not idiotic thing to say?

"thank you for this will. im suprised you didn't invite your band mates or charlie over as well." spencer took a bite of pasta, she tried her best not to slurp. spencer walked on eggshells around everyone. the blonde was a people pleaser. it seemed as if she would cease to exist if she disappointed someone. her whole life had always revolved around attention and praise from others. spencer was selfish in that way, but without it what was she? just another blonde girl who likes to play guitar and draw. she started streaming for a reason. not for the reason she wanted to pursue her dreams or have fun. spencer wanted love. ever since she was little she just craved being adored. she believed most kids whos parents abandoned them would feel this way too. she figured they were probably people pleasers too. if your own mother can't love you enough to keep you, then maybe no one ever will.

"i know how you love charlie, i just wanted to talk about you. it is quite obvious you're having a rough day spencer. i reiterate, you are an open book." with that it was 285. yea spencer didn't pay attention to the second time her lucky number showed up. it was the actual words that mattered in that moment. yes, she cried in front of him, but maybe she had just tripped and fallen in the hallway. maybe she just hated seeing her flowers dead. spencer was known to be over dramatic. will knew better. she looked down at her plate, twirling the fork in her noodles. a slight scrap onto the plate created a rupture in the calming piano. spencer winced and wilbur pursed his lips. "cmon spencer, i know who you are. i know when you're upset." 295 words. his deep brown eyes were filled with knowing concern. stupid wilbur soot, why did he have to know everything. why did he have to care? didn't he know what that did to her? spencer silently finished her plate, not wanting to upset will by not eating. she then snapped her head up and opened her mouth. she seemed to be preparing a whole speech.

"thank you wilbur." spencer stood up, her chest tight as ever. her words were quiet and seemed breathy. spencer stumbled back to her room; her breath was rapidly increasing. a pounding entered the girl's ears as she slide down onto the floor. she could never be friends with will, it just wouldn't work.

"you're welcome spence. i hope you enjoyed it." wilbur watched her walk away, solemnly standing up. her panting echoced in his ears as she clumsily made her way down the hallway. "i hope you're gonna be okay," he muttered. although spencer didn't hear, that was 309 words. 9 was wilbur's lucky number.

𝐟𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐬 ; 𝐰.𝐬𝐨𝐨𝐭Where stories live. Discover now