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Sydney felt sick.  She tried her best to hide her emotions from the kids. She took them to daycare and then sat in her car.  Judy had called that morning to check on her. Told her not to worry. That she would be there if she needed to talk. Sydney asked her if she told Tom. Judy said yes.  Sydney wanted know how Tom took the news.  Judy said shocked but overjoyed, that his dream was for her to be in his life again. That he loved her. Sydney said "Judy I don't think he loves me."  Judy said "yeah I know that he does.  Look you need to let him explain. I got the full story of why he said what he did."  Sydney said "I feel sick about seeing him again. I am sitting in my car at the day care unable to move. Like frozen Judy. part of me wants to see him, and part of me doesn't. Part of me wants to run in get my kids and leave town."  Judy said "Sydney please don't do that."  Sydney said "I won't."  Judy said "I know it's going to be hard, but it will be ok."

Judy called Tom asked him how he was feeling.  He said scared I know I got one shot to try and get her to forgive me and I'm nervous I'm going to blow it.  Judy said at least you got that chance.  Tom said right.  Judy asked him if he wanted her to meet him in parking lot and go in with him for support.  He said yeah.  

Tom dressed up, he had on nice jeans, a white shirt, and a suit jacket. He decided that he was going to go buy flowers to give to Sydney. Judy pulled up about the same time as Tom did.  Tom said "hey Judy"  She said "Hey looking good"  He said "Thanks."  She said "Flowers huh"  Tom nodded.  She said "Breathe Tom you look like you are ready to pass out." Tom said "Jude I don't know what to do, what to say."  She said "she's going to be mad ok, don't push her, then  when she cools off tell her what you told me."

Doug, Harry, Booker were all sitting at the table eating donuts.  Tom and Judy walked in.  Doug said "what is with you Hanson"  Tom said "What."  Harry said "Why you all dressed up"  Tom said "Can't a guy dress up maybe I don't want to look a slob like you Penhall"  Doug said "hey"

Dennis got up he said "Aw Hanson I love you too thank you but you shouldn't have bought me flowers. You can show me you love me in other ways"  Tom said "shut the hell up Booker"  Harry said "What's with the flowers"  Dennis laughed.  He said "oh my God. I don't believe this."  Everyone looked at Booker.

Dennis said "Hanson actually thinks he's going to hook up with our beautiful new partner"  Dennis laughed.  Tom glared at him.  he said "Shut the hell up Booker I'm warning you don't disrespect Sydney" Doug said "So wait Hanson is he right, are you going to ask her out, since when do you want to go out"  Harry said "Hanson hate to tell you but she is going to shoot you down too."  Doug said "yeah figures he would finally be ready to date and it's the one girl who is going to say no." Tom said "Shut up Doug."  Doug said "geez Hanson what's with you"

Dennis said "this is going to be fun watching Hanson strike out"  Harry said "yeah but you struck out too" Tom said "Shut up."  He yelled it.  Booker said "aw come on Hanson you have to just admit face facts, it's better that she tells you no, right off bat, cause you are not man enough to handle her, I mean this girl is hot sexy"  Tom put the flowers down and went and shoved Booker into the wall.  He said "I'm only going to tell you this one time, Stay the hell away from her. Don't ask her out. I swear man"

Harry said "hey easy there Hanson"  Dennis was getting mad. He said "let go of me Hanson now"  Tom stared at him.  Doug said "Hanson come on"  Tom backed up.  Judy said "Booker I'd do what Hanson says just leave her alone."

Dennis said "Judy why you on his side. U saw that he attacked me for no reason"  She said "Just leave her alone.  She's a sweet girl, who was hurt really bad by her ex,."  She looked at Tom.  She said "She's already worried about working here because you 3 asked her out and she doesn't want hassled. So do me a favor and leave her alone."

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