The baby is here and it a boy Part 13

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Hana-okay Izaya you can stop pushing the baby out.

Hana hold up the baby so Izaya could see him or her.

Izaya-is that what i think it is.

Hana-if it Mr wiggy in between the legs yes you have a boy Izaya.

Izaya-i have a boy let me see him please let me see him.

Mr Sakai-and you will you need to push out the placenta let your Aunt cleaning him up your son then you can hold him.

Izaya okay Uncle i let Auntie clean him up.

Mrs Sakai cut the core and when go clean the baby up and Izaya push the placenta, out and Mr Sakai got a trash bag put the placenta was in the bag out to the trash can when the baby was clean up and in a diaper and it sleeper with his little blanket around him hand him to his mama ,Izaya look down at his son and said to him.

Izaya -hello my little Psyche Dichi Orihara my little boy.

Izaya hold his Psyche to his chest and write down the date , time and month he was born.

Izaya hold his Psyche to his chest and write down the date , time and month he was born

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Mr Sakai pick up Izaya from the floor lay him on the couch and Mrs and Hana look down at his newborn baby Mrs Sakai, walk over to the stairs walk up the stairs down the hall to the master bedroom to get fresh pair  of boxers and leggins to put on ...

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Mr Sakai pick up Izaya from the floor lay him on the couch and Mrs and Hana look down at his newborn baby Mrs Sakai, walk over to the stairs walk up the stairs down the hall to the master bedroom to get fresh pair  of boxers and leggins to put on Mr Sakai look at his his  great nephew and Izaya look at his son and said.

Izaya-Pysche you look just like me you have my hair you have my hair color but i wounder who eye color you going to have i hope you have my eyes color and not your father but eye color now i need to call your Uncles and Aunts to tell them you are here now.

Mrs Sakai came back here sweeties i bring you down fresh pair of boxers and leggings for Izaya and said to him.

Mrs Sakai hand Mr Sakai Izaya boxers and leggies Izaya hand Psyche to his Aunt Mrs Sakai took the baby hold him in her arms Hana help Izaya off the couch took the blanket put over his shoulder Izaya face his uncle with his back to Hana and his Aunt Mr Sakai help Izaya put oh his boxers put them up then his leggies help him put them on and said.

Izaya is raped by Shizuo and Mpreg with his babyWhere stories live. Discover now