Izaya runway with his son far way Part 17

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the first letter he wrote first that was to his Aunt and Uncle.

Dear Aunt and Uncle

if you reading this Psyche and I had to left Japan am sorry but i can't tell you why am we are leave but don't worry Psyche and I will be back soon just don't know when we back but will i love you both and we will seey you two really soon.

love your nephew and great nephew

Izaya and Psyche Orihara.

Izaya- now the letter to Hana and tell her what going on now so here it go

Dear Hana

am sorry but Psyche and I can't stay we have to leave for my and my son salfy Shizuo had find me and sue me for visitation rights i can't let that happened i don't trush Shizuo with my son i still haven't forgiving him for raped me so we are going way for while but we be back soon don;t know when we be back but we be back so don't worry Hana we will see each other again soon.

your friend and nephew

Izaya and Psyche Orihara

Izaya got two envelopes and writing Hana and his Aunt and Uncle name on the envelopes put them in there mailbox Izaya got Psyche baby carrier on him and put Psyche in with his warm banket to keep him room warm Izaya put on his big long coat zipped it up grab his cellphone,change,wallet and keys walk out of the master bedroom with his suitcase in hand walk down the hall to the stairs walk down the stairs turn out the light walk out of the door and lock it walk down the road to his Uncle and Aunt house walkup to there mailbox and put the letter with there names on it in there mailbox walk down the raod to Hana house and put the letter with her name on inthe mailbox walk to the little airport to check a plane out of japan look at his home one last time and got in the airport to take him to American to boston.

Izaya ranway with his son this time farway where Shizuo can't find them.

on the plane with his suitcase sit down in the seat put his seat belt on look at his son and said to him.

Izaya-okay little man just this will be long time before we come back here little man for now it just the two of us this is are fresh started way from your monster of a father am going you miss are friends and family we are save now.

Izaya seat back in his with Psyche still in his baby carrier sound asleep and Izaya lay back and when to sleep to when they came into American Boston when Izaya woke up to Psyche crying and unzipped his coat got Psyche out of the baby carrier got the diaper bag got diaper and wipes lay Psyche in his lap to change his diaper took off his blanket under button psyche sleeper took out his little legs to Change his little diaper Izaya took off the wet diaper and took out wipe clean Psyche little butt and wee wee put on his clean diaper psyche his little legs back in his little sleeper put blanket and hold him his his arms well little guys we are now in a American now going to Boston the Pilot said to Izaya.

Air Pilot-so sir are you stay in Bostons.

Izaya-yes we are stay in Boston.

Air pilot-sir we are about to land soon.

Izaya-okay thank you sir.

Izaya put Psyche back in his baby carrier and zipped up his coat so his little boy can stay warm throw way his wet diaper in the diaper bag when plane started come to a stop the door open Izaya unbuckle his seat belt grab hi suitcases and diaper bag walk out of the plane walk inside of the airport walk inside walk out the front door out of the Airport got a taxi take him to hotel to stay for the night to he find him and Psyche home for them then taxi came up and come to a stop got out and put his suitcase in the truck and ask the driver.

taxi driver-where to sir.

Izaya-the hotel the Bostonian boston.

taxi driver-yes sir.

Izaya got in the taxi and close the door the taxi driver driver Izaya and Psyche new started but going long time to they go back to japan to see there friends and family but all that matter that Izaya is away from Shizuo for now the taxi coming up on the hotel the taxi came to a stop Izaya got out pay the diver got out his suitcases walk into the build walk up to the desk got there room for the time been to he can find them a place of there own but this is there why from the monster of his home town he will text Shinra and Celty tell them where he at Izaya unlock his door to his room walk in sit suitcase down on the floor and took off his coat got psyche out of baby carrier and said

Izaya-okay Psyche this are now home for while and it new started for the both us now.

Izaya and Psyche had a good life in Boston and Psyche grow up into a cute little toddier who just turn three year old and just the cutie little toddier in the world Izaya wouldn't Change for anything to and love it just bring Psyche and him to that it they need Izaya love it but like he said be long time before they see his home again very long time.

Izaya is raped by Shizuo and Mpreg with his babyWhere stories live. Discover now