Fireflies (Part 2)

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Light bar flashing, a Deputy Sheriff's SUV pulls into the clearing amid others. Stilinski wraps a blanket around Caitlin while Deputy Tara Graeme questions her.

"So, Caitlin, you and Emily, were the two of you drinking?" He asks the frightened girl.

"No," She says, shaking her head,"No."

"Anything else?" He asks, and she hesitates,"Caitlin."

"We split half a tab of x," She admits softly.

Graeme throws Stilinski a look.

"Hallucinations can happen from MDMA but it could've been laced with something too," Stilinski tells her.

"You think I hallucinated," She assumes.

"You think you saw a wolf the size of a bear, and a girl with glowing eyes and fangs," He reminds her.

"And claws," She adds reluctantly.

"Right. We're going to need to get you to the hospital and figure out exactly what you both took," Stilinski tells her.

"What about the other four?" She asks,"The girl and the three boys."

"We'll need better descriptions on them too," The Deputy told her.

Stilinski nods, then motions for her to step aside with him,"Let's get an APB out on Emily and this other girl when you've got something better than fangs and claws."

"You believe her?"

"She saw something."

Graeme gives him a skeptical look,"You mean someone."

But Stilinski's nod is oddly hesitant. Curious, Graeme watches him turn into the blur of flashing police lights.

Change Of View

Heading down an aisle of cars, Argent fumbles with an armful of groceries while trying to get his keys out of his pocket. One of the bags slips from his grasp and he winces as it hits the ground with a crunch.

"Had to be the one with the eggs," He grumbles.

He clicks open the hatchback on his SUV and loads the bags inside. When he reaches to close it, he pauses. Slowly, his right hand slips inside and Argent whips the barrel of a Glock around to point at Scott.

"Uh...hi," Scott says awkwardly, a slight tremor in his voice.

Change Of View

Engine off, Derek and Isaac watch Scott talking to Argent just a few yards away. Hope herself is trying to keep track of all three rabid werewolves at the same time. A task much more difficult than talking to her uncle.

"You think this is going to work?" Isaac asks the Alpha.


"Me neither. So your sister..." He stops when he sees Derek look,"Sorry, bad timing. I'll ask later..."

Derek starts to glare at him.

"Or never. I'm good with never."

Change Of View

Scott keeps his eyes on the Glock in Argent's hand, still pointed at him.

"First of all, why would I care about anyone related to Derek? Second, Stiles is the last person I want to be near on a full moon. And third, I don't know this kid Boyd. I don't even know his last name."

"Boyd is his last name," Scott says.

"What's his first name?"


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