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TW: Mention of bullying
-Mention of Sexual Assault, Abuse, being used (Fake rumors)
-Dizziness, passing out
(Please tell me if there are more TW)

-Michael POV

I walked into the school and as always, a horde of girls can running towards me, showering me with gifts and flowers. I honestly think it is annoying but oh well. A new grade has just started for 2 weeks, meaning every students has just been up a grade for 2 weeks, it was pretty exciting that school will finally end soon.

While walking, I saw Ashton and Aaron bullying a Noah as always. Noah is a senior and the person I had a crush on. He has got long raven hair and he is very tall, at least 20cm taller than me. He has got a pair of amber eyes that I could get lost in and he has honey beige tan skin. He is muscular but I always wonder why he never stand up for himself.

Although yes, I am a good person and I do not tolerate any behavior into bullying unless they did something bad first so of course I'll stand up for myself but I can't bring myself to help that guy. It's not like I hate him or anything but no one really likes him because of the rumors his ex girlfriend spread. It's like I'm afraid to stand up for him even though I have a crush on him, a huge one.

What rumor? I hear you asked. His ex-girlfriend told everyone at this school and on every social medias that he sexually assaulted her, abuse her and used her but I know for sure that those rumors are fake but almost everyone believed her, that stupid witch.

(A/N: for clearance, SA is not something you should fake. There are people who got SA and is literally traumatized by it and for the people who faked it is fucked up so to whoever faked being SA, fuck you)

As always, I was ready to walk past him when suddenly Aaron, the bully gang leader, threw a punch at Senior. I was pretty shocked because they never did that to Senior because they only make fun of him and such. I stood there pretty stunned of what he just did. Surely I saw him physically bullying other people but I never saw him physical bullying Senior so it shocked me.

"What the fuck is your problem!" Noah finally snapped. "Oh I didn't know this foreigner could talk" Ashton said while laughing. "I do talk just not to you. It's a waste of my time and your parents wasted their time educating you, turned out you are a stupid Moron who has nothing to do other than bullying people and picking on people."

By now there was almost a crowd watching the fight. It shocked us all since most of us never really hear him defend himself, let alone talk to anyone.

"What did you just called me?!" Aaron said. "Are you deaf? I said you are a stupid moron or should I be repeating it over and over again till you get it stuck in your head?" "YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" Aaron was gonna throw another punch at Senior but he quickly dodge and pin him to the ground. He got up and put a foot on Aaron chest when he tried standing up.

"You wanna know why I never stand up for myself when you talk shit about me In front of me and behind my back? Because your witch sister which used to be my girlfriend fucking made me promise to not snap back when you picked on me and not fight back when you fucking bully me because she knew I was stronger than you, if she thought you are stronger, than why bother asking me to not snap back when you are treating me like shit.

I literally had no choice but to agree because she said if I don't do what she said, she will tell everyone about those 'rumors' everyone is hearing and you know what, none of the rumors is true. But what can I do? Everyone thought you was nice and an angel when she is literally a fucking slut that sleeps with different dudes 3 times a week."

He stepped his foot of his chest as he finished talking, "educate your sister before she goes around spreading that you beat her up." He walked away as went to take his book.

"That was ..hot" I said quietly to no one. "Mhm sure you think so simp." "WHAT?! Jordan since when you're here?!" "I saw the fight, Mark did too" "oh, where is Mark?" He went after that senior" "Why? Does he have a crush on him?" "Why? You jealous? Don't worry he is just going after him because he wants to be friends with him."

"Oh, won't you think he'll said no because no one wants to be friends with him before until now?"

"Fair point. Oh well, when will you talk to that Senior?" "I don't know Jordan, I'm nervous.." "you still think those rumors are true?" "No! Of course not! I've dated that witch too and I've seen her bitchy behavior. That girl is a witch" Jordan nodded and walked me to class.

We both has most of the same class as we are in the same grade. The first period was History. I sat down as I began to feel dizzy. "Are you okay?" The girl who sat next to me asked me, her name is Annie.

"I'm fine..just feeling a little dizzy" She nodded and the whole period I kept feeling dizzy. 2 hours passed, the teacher gave us a 10 minutes break. I walked to the locker with Jordan but by the time I got to the locker, the my head suddenly got heavy that I had to lean on Jordan for support. "Dude you okay? You look like a ghost" "I don't know, I just start feeling dizzy all of a sudden"

"Did you eat breakfast?" "Yes" liar the next period for me is a free period but Jordan has Math so he has to go. Unfortunately Simon has Chemistry and Mark has Biology. So I will be alone for this period. 30 minutes passed, I sat on the chair on the rooftop for some fresh air, there were a couple group of friends there too so I'm not alone.

Suddenly, the dizziness is back but this time it was bad. My head got so heavy and my eyes was rolling away and then it all went black.

I lost my consciousness.

Senior! Give me a chance! //Noah x Michael// Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now