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-Mention of breakup
-mention of car accident
-mention of death Of family members
-mention of suicide
-mention of suicidal thoughts
-mention of suicide failed attempt
-mention of passing out

Noah POV

It was a free period so I decided to go to the rooftop to chill. I don't have any friends but it's not because of I'm shy or something but because I think having friends are annoying and a distraction.  After getting my heart broken from my ex-girlfriend I just completely shut down my feelings.

I haven't ever been in love ever since then. It's not like I'm cold hearted or I'm not over her but I'm afraid I'll get cheated on again and I'm afraid of being used. You don't understand? Let me tell you my story.

I was born in France and I had a happy family. I had a little brother whom I love dearly. My dad was a rich and successful restaurant owner at 23. Surely it took him a great deal to get successful but I always was adore by how he managed his work.

My dad and mom was madly in love. My dad used to tell me that my mom was the one who believed in him when he was at his lowest, cute isn't it?

But one day, just after the breakup between me and my ex-girlfriend, my life completely change and it was bad. I was only 16 when my dad and little brother got into a car accident and both lost their lives immediately. My mom was heartbroken and so was I. She never ate anything for days and just stayed in her room.

I had to go and replace my dad position as I used to always stayed with him, I manage to know how to manage the restaurant and I was an excellent cook, just like my dad.

One day I was home from work, my life completely fell apart. When I open the door, there was my mom's cold body lying on the ground, blood streaming from her chest, she had taken her life and since that day onward, I was a completely different person.

I got suicidal thoughts every second of the day and there was one time where I tried to take my own life but I failed. I was in a coma for a week. My aunt found out and she took me to Florida with her to take care of me. That's how I was in Florida at the first place.

When I reached 18 which is my current age, I was an adult so I could move out on my own. I bought a house near a school which my ex-girlfriend, Anya's brother was studying and then she warned me about not snapping back things and visa..you got the point.

She made me promise her because she said she will spread false news about me if I did so I had no choice but to accept but of course she spread it anyway but I couldn't care less. My life was already ruined so it was fine if every body hates me but I just wish I could prove my point which I did although I think not a lot of people believed me.

And that was my past, back to the present I was reaching the rooftop when suddenly I saw a person who look like he was about to pass out. Just 2 seconds later after I thought of that he passed out so I ran quickly over to catch him before he could smash his head hard on the hard concrete floor.

Hmm..that popular sophomore huh..I ignored that I was being started by the students and I carried him to the infirmary. "What seems to be the problem my dear?" "I don't know, he just passed out." She nodded and took a look at him then turn to me to tell me what happened.

"He was starving and lack of rest, do you know Jim? If so, you can ask for permission to leave early and take him home. It's best for him to rest at his house for a few days because his body seems very weak"

I nodded, "I don't know him but I can bring him to my house, I won't kidnap him don't worry." She laughed and wrote an excuse note for us which I gave to the principle and I walked away, getting more stares from the students just because I was carrying that popular sophomore bridal style.

I rest him onto the back seats of my car and I got into the driver seats and drove away to my house, it was a 30 minutes ride. After settling in, I laid him down on my bed and I stayed there with him just in case when he wakes up he gets a panic attack.

Senior! Give me a chance! //Noah x Michael// Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now