Chapter 4: A New Beginning Takes an End (Hesitating)

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Muzan was watching me. He could definitely sense just how tense I was, but he said nothing. The street seemed to stretch and go on forever, yet time was speeding up. And there was a noise, coming from every direction, throbbing and pulsing like a drum. I couldn't figure out what it was. It got even louder when I realised that we were heading in the direction of what looked like an abandoned alleyway. Just looking at it washed a new wave of fear over me, almost drenching me in sweat and sending a wave of shivers down my spine. The noise grew louder still. I forced myself to move, one step at a time. One step at a time. "You'll be ok, you have a plan, you have a chance." I repeated in my head, trying to convince myself and the universe that it was true.

 The second I stepped into the alleway, I felt a cold hand grip my wrist, and the next thing I knew I was hurtling through the air, wind rushing by me. WHAM. Right into the old brick wall. "Ooo that's gunna leave a mark-" I mutter as I try to get my bearings again. 

"Who are you?" Muzan growls as he slams his arms next to either side of my head, so there was nowhere to turn or look but at him. 

"Well, who are any of us really?" I chuckled nervously. Excuse me, what? What was that me? What the hell am I doing? stick to your half assed plan. Stop stalling. 

"You have exactly 5 seconds to tell me what is going on, or you'll find a finger in your skull." He snarls back. 

"Uhhh...well..y-you see I.."


"So basically...uhh. I was..."


"Waitwaitwait listen, you see, I was sent here to-"


Shit, shit, shit, this isn't looking good. Why can't I get my words to work. Why oh why, of all days, does my vocabulary decide to go back to 3rd grade? 

"2" he says as I see him lift his hand up. COME ON [NAME], JUST SAY SOMETHING. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!

"1" he reaches up slowly, as if savoring the moment that this little problem called me will go away.

"AKAZA SENT ME" I scream.

I got hit by a truck (and all I got was a demon boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now