Chapter 5: A New Beginning Takes an End (Proposal)

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Muzan frose. Whatever excuse he was expecting me to make, it wasn't that. But it's given me an opening to talk, and I'm not going to loose that this time. "Yea. Y'know, the tattooed guy, pink hair, kinda looks like a basketball? Him. So basically, he asked me to help you on your search for the blue spider lily." I take a breath and try to survey Muzan's expression. It's filled with a practised calm that's a mask for how he really feels. I continue. "Akaza believes that I can help you. You see, with my help, you'll be able to ignore that dumb sun, laugh at it even!" I'm I'm starting to get on a roll now, and with a fresh boost of confidence, I keep going. "So, my dear Demon King, what do you say? Do you want accept my offer to find this flower, or spend far too long, maybe even forever, worrying about an old ball of light in the sky?" Muzan just looks at me. But I can see it in his eyes. He's calculating everything I've said, and it might just be me, but I can almost make out something that resembles hope in his dark ruby eyes. 

"And just how, pray tell, could a human like you help me?" he scoffed. Good, I was waiting for this question. 

"By doing what you are trying to achieve. I can travel in broad daylight, I can walk through many places without arising any suspicion. Hell, I can walk right past a demon slayer, no, a Hashira without them batting an eye. Plus, I'm just a "poor little helpless girl" who would probably be able to pry information from unsuspecting people, who would be more...hesitant towards you." I say, trying to sound as cool as possible, like this is all just a normal day for me. Muzan doesn't look impressed, but he doesn't quite look mad either.

"So, you're probably wondering how this will all work? It's quite simple, really. We disguise ourselves as traveling merchants. I'm sure you're getting tired of this old "family man" act you've got going on." I swear I almost saw the edges of his lips turn up at this, so I continue. "It's perfect really. Hopping from place to place, making you impossible to trace. I can search all day and you all night. And with all the people we'll encounter, it's practically a buffet for you." With this he actually laughs. It's a cold and hard laugh, but I feel like he's loosened up a bit.

"Well, I must say, you've surprised me. You've very different than the girl I thought I just met in the street. I shall consider this proposal. I'll let you know when I've made my decision." He starts to stride off back into the street. 

"Wait! How will you get in contact with me?" I question. He just smiles and walks back into the crowd and disappears. I take a deep breath and fall to the floor. I'm shaking, I didn't realise how much fear I was suppressing. I fall onto the ground and close my eyes.

What have I gotten myself into?         

EDITOR'S NOTE: We're so sorry this took so long!! We've been super busy with school and haven't had time to see each other in a long time. Thank you for being patient with us, and since school is out we hope to make more chapters.  We hope you enjoyed the latest chapter! 

I got hit by a truck (and all I got was a demon boyfriend)Where stories live. Discover now