03. his way

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It had not always been like this — no. Rafe was not aware of his feelings for a long time. He didn't want to admit to himself that the girl was all he could ever think about.

At first he thought it was just a little crush — someone you had a crush on because you were a teenager and only thought about one thing.

But as he watched himself thinking about her non-stop, it became serious. If he was in a garden, he wanted to pick flowers for her, if he was sleeping, he wanted to feel her closeness, and even as he studied, he knew he was studying for her - for a future with her.

Rafe Cameron knew he loved Kiara since he was 16.

"Rafe, you want to run away? My parents aren't at home."

The blond didn't even notice how the girl next to him came closer and closer, giving him burning kisses, which he returned half-heartedly. His gaze still focused on his old flame, who did the same. And that made Rafe burn.

"That bastard." it was a growl, barely audible. His eyes followed Kiara's movements as she jumped provocatively into JJ's arms, resting her head on his shoulder and giving Rafe furtive glances.

Their eyes played a dangerous game — Rafe tried to show his dominance while Kiara demonstrated her strength to him with only a little eye contact.

It was always like that — Kie was the only one who could get her way with him.

The only one who could calm him down and the only one who got his attention.

Angrily clenching his fists, he put his gaze back on the girl in front of him before giving her a rude kiss. "Fuck off."

Irritated, the girl broke away from him, staring at him in wonder. "What?"

"Fuck off before I get loud."

Rafe intimidated people, made them feel afraid. But he couldn't give a shit, because he didn't care. No matter how others thought of him.

As long as he made his father proud by trying to help him nonstop, the others couldn't give a shit about others.

The girl quickly ran away, but he only looked coldly after her before staring back at Kiara and JJ.

So with quick steps he went towards the two. It didn't take long before Kie's eyes widened, she stared at him warningly. Right, for her it was all a game of hide and seek. Their former relationship just a miserable secret.

At least since she had been friends with those obnoxious Pogues.

But rafe knew better, he knew her too well by now.

Grinning, he walked silently past the turtledove, brushing JJ ungently before making his way to the restrooms.

Before turning the corner, however, he glanced at her once - their eyes met and she knew exactly what he wanted from her at that moment.

After he thoroughly washed his hands, one last look in the mirror was, he opened the toilet door humming

    But right in front of him she finally stood — his old flame.

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