07. rumors

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"Fuck, faster. Fuck me faster."

The moaning feels the silent room with sounds while the bed hit the wall faster and harder. It was midnight, Rafe's eyes focused on the blonde girl from the masquerade party as he used guided motion to bring her to orgasm.

   Breathing heavily, he bit his lower lip, not even breaking eye contact, but not feeling the sensation he'd been desperately missing for years - the feeling of having Kiara in front of you.

  It wasn't uncommon for Rafe to use hook ups to picture the time. He liked fucking beautiful girls - especially if they had brown hair.

  But the girl in front of him was blonde. A straw blonde.

He slowly ran his hands over her hair, making her moan even louder as he tilted his head. He did not like it. Blonde.

  "Rafe." the girl was almost at climax, her eyes twisting, her body shaking.

  Not a little later he comes too, wrinkling his nose emotionlessly a little later as he searched for a towel in his bathroom.

  He did not ask her to go home, no. He wanted her to stay. That's his idea of hook ups. He seeks hook ups so he doesn't feel alone. That was his secret.

"You're good. Handsome as fuck. Could imagine having you.", the girl took the towel that Rafe had silently thrown to her to clean herself, she searched for his eyes, but he just looked silently into his mirror.

   "We are both single. Why don't we do it more often."

  "I don't fuck anyone twice," Rafe took his face cream from his cabinet before concentrating to apply it.

  "Are you one of those stereotypical bad boys?" she gave a short laugh, pulling down the covers a little. "You'd look good with someone - by your side."

  Rafe didn't see the need to answer. He didn't like to talk twice about anything.

  "I mean, you're busy, but-"

   "You're prettier when you shut the fuck up or moan my name. Since you're not doing either right now, you might as well just fuck off." he turned to her, annoyed, before turning back to his mirror.

   She bit her lips thoughtfully. "So it's true. You want to distract yourself."

   Confused, he turned around, "From what?"

   "Well ... you know. The kooks are talking."

   Annoyed, he ran his tongue over his cheek before slowly putting the cream away. "Well tell me. What are the Kooks talking about?"

  "That you fucked a pogue."

   There was silence. For a brief moment, all that could be heard was the wind from outside.

"What did you just say?"

Rafe looked at her face, aghast, as he slowly stood up. "What the fuck did you just say."

  "So it's true.", she stood up to face him.

   With a hasty movement, he pushed her against the wall.

"Repeat yourself. What the fuck did I? Tell me you bitch."

    He was breathing erratically, his anger uncontrollable.

  Rafe Cameron was caught up in his emotions. That was his undoing. He couldn't rein them in.

   "For your fucking daddy, you're lying and behaving like the good boy you are, huh? Trying to act like you never touched a pogue." she grinned. She fucking grinned.

   "What's your name?"

"Isabela.", he smiled falsely. "Let me tell you something. I wouldn't even, if I were blind, touch a dirty person like a pogue, would I? And you're going to tell me who told you that fucking rumor before I kick you out of this room eight ways to Sunday."

  "You'll have to ask yourself that, Rafe. Where did that rumor come from?" she grinned.

"You stupid bitch. Tell me." He became louder and louder, his gaze more serious and his patience less and less understandable. He had had enough. Her little games.

Rafe needed answers. And if he didn't get them as soon as possible, his anger would get the better of him.

"Fucking think. Who could it be? Who do you think saw you with that one bitch? I don't know. All I know is that you did it with one. And that alone is disgusting enough to judge you for it." She paused, looking at him quietly for a moment. "What do you want with someone from there anyway?"

"None of your fucking business," Rafe hissed.

He didn't know what idiot had started this shit. But one thing was clear. It was at the wrong time. Not when Kiara hadn't been his for a long time. And when he had no way of protecting her.

"Fucking leave. I don't have time. I need to think." Rafe let go of her and stammered over to his desk to fish a cigarette out of the drawer. "You gave me a headache."

"You gave yourself a headache when you gave the Pogue access to you." She picked up her clothes from the floor. "Be honest, who is it?"

  "Get the fuck out of here. Jesus Christ, talking to you is more exhausting than fucking you."

  The door slammed shut, leaving silence in the room. With only the moonlight shining on his desk, Rafe lit his cigarette before wiping his face in despair and picking up his cell phone.

   His fingers tapped carefully across the screen before he searched for the one contact he hadn't needed in months.

  »We have to talk.«

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