Moving out

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They told me a few things about how harmful it can be to live in this house and that we would have to leave. I stared at them in shock and disbelief hoping that they would say it's a joke. But when they showed me all the packed boxes in the basement I realized they weren't playing around.

"I spoke to a religious nun and she says that it's better to leave this place." Dad said. "I've told you to respect her name! Ms browns she's a governess!" Mom told dad. Then he chuckled nervously and started to lift the boxes and put them in one corner. "When are we leaving?" I asked my parents. To my surprise I was supposed to pack up already as we were leaving Tomorrow.

I simply sighed and walked out of the place up to my bedroom. I remember sleeping for a while then waking up at around 2 am as Quinn had called me. I decided to grab some Doritos from the snack stock in the kitchen so I used the stair lift again. I was wondering how my leg would recover.

It didn't took me long to return to my bedroom unharmed by that evil spirit in our house. Quinn said that she had to sleep so we ended the call and I started watching netflix.

A few minutes later, I heard somebody knock at my door. "Come in" I said but the knocking continued, "mom, dad you know you can enter without my permission." I said once again but the knocking didn't seem like it was ever going to stop. I decided to open the door but when I approached it, I saw a small note underneath and it seemed as if somebody slipped it from the gap below the door.

The note said something even mysterious, "dear darling, I would be very happy to have you as my guest at the cottage next to saint's Andrew's church. You are welcome there at 3 pm in the afternoon. Alone." There was a smiley drawn at the end and the writing was absolutely unfamiliar.

I decided to risk the dangers and thought of sneaking out by telling mom that I had to go to Quinn's place.
Mom surprisingly allowed me despite my broken leg! And I made sure to remove the stupid tracker app from my phone for the while so she won't be able to see my updated location.

Quinn gave me a ten minutes ride on her bike and I was at the cottage in no time. I told Quinn to go home and that I would text her when I needed to return. After Quinn left, I knocked at the small cottage painted in white and covered in dark green creepers plants.

Nobody opened the door, until I knocked the fourth time. It was a lady who asked if I needed help. "Uh sorry ma'am, I think I'm at the wrong address then maybe." I told her while showing her the note I had received earlier. "Oh its alright, it's alright. Your welcome at my cottage. I suppose you are the lucky one then." She told me while leading me in the place.

What did she meant by "lucky one"? This woman looked psycho and I was scared of her even though she behaved naturally. "Ma'am do you mind telling me what was that note about." I asked her filled with curiosity. She chuckled,"oh its a funny story. I'm a very lonely woman you see...after my daughter "daisy" passed away" she said.

My eyes widened at the name daisy and I turned pale. "is everything alright child? You look pale." The woman asked. "I'm fine, continue please." I replied as nicely as I could. "So well I left this note on the street hoping to get a visitor. That's all." She finally smiled. I smiled back and thanked her for having me over and serving me.

I walked out of the cottage with my face all white, my feet felt cold and i felt chills through my spine. I had texted Quinn and she was there by then. She asked me alot of questions on the way which I preferred not to answer and simply ignored her rather rudely. I finally smiled and thanked her for helping me when she dropped me home.

She nodded, smiled back and left. Quinn is very understanding and so that's one of the reasons I love her. I went home and straight to my bedroom, I had no idea where mom was.

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