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Neoma tried to wiggle her fingers back to life as she stood on the quidditch pitch. They were completely numb, and she was really regretting agreeing to this afternoon of quidditch with the marauders.

Remus was suddenly by her side, tossing her an apologetic grin as he landed. "It's a bit cold out here, yeah?"

"I think my hands will have to be amputated," she huffed, rubbing them together. "I dunno how you convinced me to do this."

"It didn't take you much convincing," Remus reminded her. "I think the boys are done, though. Sirius just started to complain about the weather, and what the princess says, goes."

"He does seem like a bit of a prima donna," Neoma giggled, glancing upward to watch Peter, James, and Sirius descend from the air. Peter was humming the tune of the Gryffindor cheer, and James and Sirius were bickering about whose flying skills were better.

"Neoma you're one mediocre keeper!" James exclaimed as his feet touched the ground. "And that's a compliment, 'cause we're used to Wormtail's dogshit excuse of guarding those hoops. Pete, have you ever blocked a single quaffle?"

Before landing, Peter made sure to fly over James and nick him in the side of the head with his foot. The boy had much faster reflexes than his friend, however, and so James grabbed Peter's ankle and threw him off of his broom. The wind was knocked out of him for a moment, and he groaned in pain as he stared up at the sky from the rock-hard earth.

"I'm starving," Sirius complained, throwing his bat into his quidditch bag. "D'you think lunch is still going on?"

"Wasn't the point of coming out here to talk about Dumbledore's ... thing?" Neoma crossed her arms, raising a brow. "Or did I just freeze my arse off for nothing?"

"Let's go to the kitchens!" Peter suggested, grinning. "Warmth, privacy, and food."

"Mutter's truffles." Remus winked, sticking out his hand. "Here, I'll carry your broom for ya."

"Playing quidditch with us is a fast way to earn trust, Nott! Now we can talk business knowing you aren't just using us for our charming good looks and quick wit." James pulled a scarf out of his bag and wrapped it around his neck, tucking his nose into the warm wool. "Or maybe you're just using us for access to Moony."

"Pete must've kicked your head real hard, mate." Remus rolled his eyes as the five began to walk back toward the castle. "Need me to take you to Madame Pomfrey?"

"I can't bare to see her after she broke my heart the other day," James shook his head sadly. "She didn't let me see you, even after I offered to take her to Madame Puddifoot's."

"You were in the hospital wing?" Neoma asked Remus, glancing at him with concern.

"Just had a little stomach bug," Remus quickly explained, flipping James off from out of Neoma's line of view. "James likes being dramatic. Couldn't even be away from me for a couple of hours."

"Young love," Sirius sighed, pressing a hand against his heart. "How it touches my soul so."

Neoma listened in amusement as the four boys continued their banter. Her hands were tucked deeply into her pockets trying to keep warm, and Remus couldn't help but grin at her nose, which was a bright cherry red. 


They arrived at the kitchens soon enough. Remus was quick to ask Gilie for truffles, which Mutter hand-delivered himself much to Remus's delight. Sirius and James were desperate for something warm and savoury, and Peter was happy to snack on some pumpkin pasties. 

When they were all settled in and had their food at the ready, the four boys turned to Neoma expectantly. Her cheeks flushed at the sudden attention, and she slowed down her chewing of one of Peter's sweets. 

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