Step: You're too busy for that sh*t!

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I know that at times we get stuck in relationships that we can't wait to get out of as the prince suddenly turns to the frog...

So in this step, you have to show that frog that you don't have time for his sorry ass.. When he asks you out for a date cancel it ... say you're busy laying cats or something. Show him that you,d rather watch your cat poop than sit and talk to him. 

EXPERIENCE: So, yes, once upon a time I dated a guy named Dennis.Yeah, he was hot dirty blonde quiffed hair, green eyes, perfect beach body... I thought he was perfection until we started dating and he started suffocating me with ' I love you's and sloppy kisses...yuck!

So I decided to avoid him cancelling dates, forgetting his birthday, avoiding him when we meet in public etc. and soon enough he got the hint and went running for the hills.... phew!

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