Sagor 9

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We carried our mate into our room and laid her down. There was knocking on the door before it was opened. It was Jora, our help that has been with us since we were striplings. We changed out of our gear into some shorts. It was hot on Zyka, and our bodies took in heat rapidly.

"My kings have you found your mate," she asked, picking up our clothes off the ground.

" Yes, we did find our mate," I answered looking fondly at our sleeping mate.

"Would you mind changing her for us?" Fagra asked, going into the lavatory. I looked at Jora sniffing and wiping away the pink water from her eyes.

"I can't believe it, my boys finally found their queen. You guys have grown up so much," she said tearfully.

She took clothes out to put on our mate and started changing her. She let out a gasp turning around to check on her to see our mate with a drawing that covered her whole back. Fagra came bounding out of the lavatory looking around in question.

"What is wrong?" he questions coming over to my side and looking down at our mate letting out his own gasp. The drawing on our mate's body was really beautiful and captivating.

"Do you think she was born with it like the Yuukats are born with an ancestral marking on their stomach?" I openly asked. I wonder, as you grow does it get bigger? I traced the drawing and it felt like normal skin. It had no ridges from being etched into the skin like the Fulas.

"It is beautiful on her dark skin," Jora said, slipping on her shirt that swallowed her whole. She tossed in her sleep, forming her body in a ball. Jora took her clothes to be washed leaving us in our room with our little mate. We got in bed with her scent surrounding us in a cocoon and drifted off to sleep.

I jumped up from my sleep to our mate screaming. I looked around trying to find out why she was screaming but there was nothing there. I put my weapon down looking at our mate

"What is wrong?" I asked her, looking around one more time before I settled on her. She looked at me confused, commanding that we tell her how she can understand us. The human species did not have a translator implanted in them, which is crazy because how would you understand different people?

Seeing our mate getting angry, I told her that we put a translator on her so we could understand each other. This made her angry and started yelling at us, causing tears to come out of her eyes. She said something that the translator didn't pick up, causing us to look at her in confusion.

Tears are what humans called the liquid falling from their eyes according to the Worldkive. It made my heartache that we were the cause of our mate's sadness.

"What is few-c-ken and dom, little mate," Fagra asked, rubbing her back in comfort so she could calm down.

"Fucking and damn is a human curse word," she stated wiping her eye on the sheath.

After she wiped her face, she poked her lips out making her look cute. I smiled slightly at her because she was so beautiful. I got cut off from my admiration when her stomach made a weird sound making her laugh.

" I have to pee and I'm hungry and the least you can do for your captive is feed me," she said getting up from the bed causing the shirt to fall covering up half of her legs.

"Where is the restroom?" she asked with her legs crossed making a face like she was in pain.

"What is a restroom and are you in pain?" I asked getting up from the bed looking her up and down for any wounds, feeling for anything out of place.

"No, I'm not hurt. I just have to release my bladder," she answered, pushing my hand away from her face.

"Brother I think she has to go to the lavatory according to worldkive, restroom is a word for it," Fagra said laying down on the bed with his arms behind his head.

I pointed her to the lavatory, leaving her to her business. I went back to lay on the bed searching for my telecom in the process to call Jora. I called Jora to bring out mate some food because her stomach is making noises and I don't like it. She brought the food leaving it on the table after she poured our mate some fruit juice made out of masa fruit. Masa is a purple round fruit that is sweet and sticky but if you mixed it with a little water, it's the perfect juice.

Our mate came out of the lavatory glistening with water dripping from her body with a drying cloth wrapped around her. I watched a droplet of water slide down her chest, disappearing into the cloth. I sucked in a sharp breath feeling my groin push against my shorts.

"Sorry I saw the shower and couldn't resist," she said walking over to us with her feet tapping against the floor. I was too busy staring at her wet body to hear what she just said. I wanted to pull her to me and have my way with her, but I couldn't.

"Is this food for me?" she asked pointing to the plate on the table, reaching over to get a slice of fruit. which caused the cloth to rise up in the back exposing the bottom of her rear. My brother and I let out a growl at the same time making our mate jump.

"What did I do?" she asked with her hands on her waist looking at us with a glare.

"You didn't do anything mate," I said looking into her eyes, causing her to look away quickly.

"But your body did something," Fagra finished looking up at our mate in hunger.


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I'm officially finished with spring semester! I just have to take my finals and I will be through.

At the top is what I picture her tattoo to look like. I got it from google.

Aliens mate: Zyka (unedited) Where stories live. Discover now