Kayla 27

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I was thankful that their mother was so helpful and also Jora as well. I don't know if I was ready to face more aliens but I'm going to put on my big girl draws and show them I'm not as weak as they make us seem. Plus I had the kings' family helping me so I wouldn't be by myself. We had chatted idly until everyone was done with their food. I turned towards the children to see that they were stuffed their little bellies were poking out their clothes.

"Can you ask them what their names is? I asked.

" Yes, Little striplings what are your names?" Sagor asked

They looked at him confused and it made my heart sink. They should at least have names, any person should have a name that they can be identified by. If something had happened to them, they wouldn't even have a name to put on their headstones. It pissed me off to no end that they just discarded them like that.

"No name," The oldest child said with a sad look.

"They don't seem so have any beloved," Sagor said frowning.

"They are seen like their speech is lacking", Fagra said putting one of the boys in his lap that was trying to climb him.

"That's awful. Everyone deserves a name," Patora said, pink tears forming in her eyes.

"We will give all of them a name," I state, picking up the little girl who was playing in her scraps and wiping off her hands.

"We should name each boy after each one of you and name the girl after my mother. Can we?" I asked looking at them.

I wanted a piece of home with me to ease the pain of not going home. It might sound childish, but I wanted my mother with me and if I can't have her I at least want something to remind me of her, so I want to feel too bad. My poor mother is probably going out of her mind trying to find me and I'm here having the time of my life, it made me feel guilty for some reason.

"Of course Kayla" Fagra said smiling at me causing me to smile as well.

"I would be honored for one of the children to be named after me. You should name one in honor of your mother. After all they are your striplings and you found them," Patora said smiling from ear to ear.

"My mother's name is Amanda Fashawn so I think I will name her Fashawn," I said admiring the little girl in my arms. She smiled up at me burying herself into my boobs, something she liked to do often.

"I will name him Saraa," Sagor said smiling at the youngest boy next to him.

"I will name him Faraa," Fagra said.

" And I will name this big guy Patraa" Patora said to the oldest child.

I look at all the children with happiness because they finally have names that they deserve. The kids started to yawn one by one and Jora appeared out of nowhere.

"The stripling room is ready my queen," she said bowing.

"Okay and Jora stop bowing it makes me feel weird" I said getting up and following behind her to their rooms.

The kids' room was two doors down from ours. They each have their own rooms that were litter with toys for them, but they were too tired to notice. Most of them had fallen asleep in our arms and were in dreamland. We laid them down in their rooms before exiting leaving their doors slightly cracked. They also had guards outside of their room because the kings wanted to keep them safe.

We went back to our room to go to sleep, but they instantly caged me in between their bodies. They started to kiss every piece of skin that wasn't covered by fabric. Their hands roamed by body shocking me from their sudden attack.

"W-What are you guys doing?" I asked leaning my head back so Sagor could get a better position for his lips.

"What does it look like mate" Fagra said

"We are rewarding our mate for making us fathers. Fagra don't you think she deserves a reward?" Sagor asked sucking on my sweet spot on my neck.

"She definitely does. Shall we give her the reward?" He ask squeezing my ass.

"Yes," Sagor said as they picked me up and laid me on the bed. Their eyes roamed by body with lust filled haze.

"Can we touch you Kayla?' Fagra asked inching closer to me.

My breathing picks up causing me to poke my chest out. Their eyes follow the movement their eyes getting darker than they already were. I so badly want them to have their way with me but I'm scared. What if their groins were different than humans? What if they didn't have one, but I definitely could rule that out. The huge bulge that they both had in their pants told me that they had one and they are big. That made me scared in itself because there is no way that they would fit.

"Answer him Kayla," Sagor said lowly with a strained voice.

"Huh" I answered, totally caught up in admiring their bodies.

"Can we touch you?" Fagra asked grabbing my face to look at him.

I paused for a moment to gather myself and breathe out a "Yes."



Aliens mate: Zyka (unedited) Where stories live. Discover now