Kayla 45

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I could hear my children and mate visit me, but I couldn't move. Patra came in crying blaming herself for what happened to me. I wanted to tell her that it isn't her fault, but I couldn't fucking speak or move.

The first person I heard was my oldest son who was crying then my mates would come in separately. They would both beg me to wake up and promise that they would be better mates. They were already perfect to me I had just realized it.

The time I have spent with them has made me realize that I like them more than I thought. I look forward to busting into their office while they are working to aggravate them. They don't see it as me aggravating them, they are just happy that I came to see them.

I really miss them, and our kids and I don't ever want to leave them but I'm definitely not telling them that. I don't think I could bare leaving them and my kids even though I badly miss my mother. Guilt eats me alive, here I am happy with strangers while my own mother is probably going out of her mind with worry.

I finally could move my body, so I slowly pried my eyes open. Looking at the source of the noise it was all of my children on the floor playing with their toys. I smile at the scene before me who would've thought that I would have children let alone two mates.

If I was back home and they found out I had two boyfriends, they would judge me or call me a hoe. They also would say some stupid shit like "why are you adopting kids?" "Are you not going to have any of your own?" The small, minded people in that town wouldn't understand the love I have for my kids.

I continue to watch them play with their toys not wanting to disturb them. Baby girl looked up at me and smile when she saw I was looking at them. She instantly dropped her toys and struggled to climb up the bed. Patraa saw that she was struggling and helped her up. He had noticed that I was awake until I grabbed his hand making his eyes snap up to me and widen.

"Mama! You are awake!" He yelled before throwing his body on top of mine to hug me.

"I missed you guys so much," I said hugging them.

They all were piled up on top of me and they were excitedly telling me everything that I missed. I just smiled and nodded saying things here and there because they weren't giving me time to talk. While we were talking Goru came in to check on me.

"Thanks Goru for saving me," I said gratefully.

"It's my job, my queen. I am happy that I was able to help you. Everything looks good but still take it easy for at least a turn or two" he said after checking my pulse on my wrist.

"I will and thanks again. Now you can finally rest" I said smiling at him.

"That I will do. I will tell Lagor that you have woken up," he said bowing and leaving out the door.

I watch him leave then turn my attention back to my children who were touching all over my face. They talked my ear off until I felt someone enter the room, looking up it was my mates. I blushed at the look they were giving me, it made butterflies flutter in my stomach. I couldn't take their intense look anymore, so I focus back on my kids.

I felt them cross the room and they grabbed my hand. The kids slid off of the bed and headed out of the door. I look up at them again to see their gaze filled with longing and something else I couldn't place.

"How are you feeling beloved?" Sagor asked making my heart skip a beat.

I loved when they call me that, it makes me feel loved. No one has ever given me a pet name except my mother but that doesn't count. I stared into his eyes, and he stared back not breaking eye contact. His stare was too much so I gave in first and answered him " I'm fine no need to worry."

"We do need to worry about you. You are our mate; we have to worry about you." Fagra said finally looking at me instead of my hand.

I'm really glad to see you guys" I said, and I really meant it.

Feeling their skin on mine made me want to touch their perfect face. Looking at them made me think about Fagra's face in between my legs. I quickly think of something else because they can smell when I'm aroused. I just woke up and I'm already thinking about them in an unholy way.

They told me how much they missed me, and they were worried about me. It fascinated me to watch as their face went through different emotions. How could someone care so much about a single person, especially someone they just met?

"I'm fine it just takes longer for humans to heal compared to big handsome indestructible aliens" I blurted out.

I can't believe I just called them handsome which they are but still. I would ever tell them that to their face ever since I woke up, I have been doing things that I usually don't do. They teased me about calling them handsome which resulted in me telling them to shut up.

I glared at them and crossed my arms because they love to tease me. I can't win for losing with them. I give them one compliment and they run a whole mile with it. I'm never complementing them again because they get the big head.

I felt their eyes burn holes into my chest so to get them back I pushed them up some more to show more cleavage. This made them grunt which I don't think they noticed. I look at them staring hard until their mother walked in making me drop my arms and cover-up.



Aliens mate: Zyka (unedited) Where stories live. Discover now