Chapter 1 : Past and Present

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Ok, I'm sorry for changing things. Let me clear that Rin has a twin brother, Len Kagamine. I changed Ellia Latrina to Rin Kagamine. So sorry! So if you see the name Ellia, just remember it's 'Rin'. And, I changed the names and added 2 things for Len  no need to read all of it again, just the first flashback, where her Aunty said to Rin that she should be cautious. So sorry and thank you.
*In the Airplane*
Rin's POV

"Huh, I should have slept more, how tired i am today because of my aunt Lily."

"Rin! Listen, you should be more cautious in Japan okay? Call me every time if something worries you,We are always here for you." Said Aunty while pointing her index finger at me and bending to the level of my face while her other hand holds the side of her stomach.
"Rin,I will miss you! Call me too okay? I will visit you there someday." Len said then kissed the cheeks of Rin.

"Okay okay " I said. Of course, I respect my family. I do not rebell against our Aunty, well....sometimes, just to joke her, to keep her cheerful and to let her smile whenever she has problems.

" Well, we better first visit your parents before you go", Aunty said.
"I'm ready if you are wondering" Len said. I do not address him as brother because he is my twin brother afterall.
We went to the cementery, I ran to look for my parents' grave. When I found it I said,
"Aunty! Len! Here it is!" While waving my hand to her. I started to talk mentally in my head because it's the way I talk to them.

"Dear dad and mom,
Dad and mom, wish me luck to safely land in Japan. Don't worry I'll try to make friends again even if the last time I tried to make was a fail.
I'm sorry if I cant visit you anymore. But you two will always remain in my heart. Thank you for watching over me everyday. I hope too that you are happy wherever you are. Thank you, i gotta go now! Bye and I love you! "

♤♤♤♤♤♤End of Flashback ♤♤♤♤♤♤
I sighed. This will be a long travel. And took a nap.

"Rin!Len!" My aunty said. I was in the middle of my eating sessions, Aunty is on the sofa facing their TV.
"What is it Aunty?" I took a look to my right side to see what she is looking to. My eyes widened in horror at the scene I am seeing. I can't move because of what she is seeing. Len is at his room.

Third's View POV

Rin's eyes cannot believe. She accidentally dropped her spoon that made her Aunty to look at her. Her Aunt's eyes widened.
She hurriedly turned off the TV. And sat beside Rin, who was still looking at their TV.

"Hurry up and finish you food...." Her aunt said

Rin's face darkened and nodded. She started eating her food.

"Do you want to go there?" Her Aunt said

Rin nodded fastly.

"Finish your food and change your clothes.." Her aunt said. She stood up then walked away to get ready for later and tell Len the horrible news.

*At the hospital where Rina and Len's Parents were brought*

"Dad! Mom!"Rin hurriedly open the room door.

"Dad, mom, are you okay?"said Rin and Len

"R-Rin, L-Len" her dad and mom both said. They're voice were cracking. The doctor came and said

" Are you the guardian of the children?"

Aunt Lily nodded

"Doctor! Please, let our parents be better, please! I beg you please!" Len cried , holding the coat of the doctor with both arms.

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