First time with so called "Friends"

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Rin's POV Saturday
"Mistress, please wake up now to have breakfast. Mistress, Mistress!" My maid said.

" Just 5 more minutes" I said sleepily

"Your friends will arrive at 10:00 AM is it not Mistress? It's already past 9:00." My maid said. As soon as I heard that, I opened my eyes and fastly stand up. I felt dizzy ans sat down

"Mistress, you'll be dizzy if you do that again. I'll prepare your breakfast now, Mistress" I nodded and she left. I fixed my face and clenched my fist. I have been waiting for this day! They will be here at 10:00 AM. It's 9:30 AM now, so 30 minutes left. In the meantime, I'll have breakfast first. I left my room with my charas, walk downstairs and to the dining room. My breakfast is bacon sandwich and cream pie. I started eating it was delicious!! I saw SeeU, Lily and Galaco is overwhemled by it too. When we finished eating, we went to my room and started to advance studying. When we finished, I checked the time, it is 9:55 AM. 5 more minutes,huh. We went downstairs, exactly, someone knocked at my door. I energetically walk to it.

Amu's POV (when Rin was in the room advanced studying)

Hu-hu-huge!! We didn't know it was a mansion. Me and the guardians can't believe it!! We were like standing there astonished. We were mesmerized by its beauty outside. Until one of us started to talk

Nadeshiko: Umm...Should we knock?
And then we knocked. Someone opened it. It was Rin.

Rin:Guys! I have been waiting for you.
And again I was mesmerized by the beauty inside. It is so beautiful.

Kukai: Rin! You should have at least said it was a Mansion you know.

Rin: Oh really? Guess I forgot. ♤ then she laughed♤

We, except Rin sighed. Her clothes are cute too.(A/N: The first pic. In the left is Rin's clothes)

After 2 hours and more .I checked the time and it is 12:30 PM.

Rin: Guys! I'll let the maids bring the food here.
They nodded. I walked to the intercom and called the maids to bring food for lunch.After eating.

Amu: Yummy!! That was delicous!

Nadeshiko:Yes, you're right.

Yaya: Thanks Rin-chii!!

Rin: Your welcome. And...... say, guys... Do you want to go walk around outside?

I asked shyly.

Amu: Okay! I'm kinda feeling tired afterall.

They all nodded. We went to the park where I first met all of them.

Rin: This brings back memories~

Amu: Yeah.

Rin By the way, what were you doing there, Amu? You know when we met.

Amu: Oh! I was going to buy an ice cream, 'cause I kinda felt homesick.

Tadase: Amu-chan also said that you were cool stating your name to her.

Kukai:Yeah, and she really felt curious about you.

Nadeshiko: Rin, I know you said before that you have a brother named Len, and you said you are living alone in your mansion. Don't tell me he just let you go here all bye yourself and live here alone?

Yaya: Mmm! Don't worry Rin-chii! We'll visit you sometimes so you won't get lonely!

Rin: Well..... He will go here too and live with me, I just don't know when. And thanks for your kindness, Yaya.
I smiled. I thought about a lot of things and come to think of it... Many things happened since I got here. First I shopped on my own. Second, I met charas. Third, I met Amu. Fourth, I met the guardians. Fifth,I entered their school. Sixth, I became their mysterious girl. Seventh, They became my first friends. Eight, I became the mystery girl in school. Nineth, They went to tmy mansion. And tenth, I am now being comfortable with them, talking to my friends has made my wish come true.Suddenly all of the charas that was left in the mansion went to us.

Kiseki: Tadase! X-eggs.

We all looked at each other and nodded. We ent to where the X eggs are. What???!!! There are many X eggs!!!

Rin's POV
There are so many X eggs! I bet Easter is the mastermind. Why I know Easter? Simple because my charas sensed X eggs, when we were at the mall and I saw Hoshina Utau with a girl that I think its her manager. Going back to th X eggs, There are 46? No, just 45-50. Well, what do you expect from an idol? She have many fans. And come to think of it. This is my first time purifying X eggs with my friends.

Rin: Let's split up!
They nodded. I transformed with Lily. And my friends too character transformed with their charas.

Rin: Character Transformation: Dearest Melody!
(Picture above on the right side)

I began to sing. Song Title: The Last Revolver by Gumi

"Santa Clause sent me a revolver with real bullets in it
I aimed it at you
Goodbye, my beloved

If we could start all over again,
I'd love to go to the summer festival to see fireworks with you again
I'm sorry for wishing it
I know it's impossible
Because we didn't have much in common from the beginning

Under the sakura tree, "evil" I met you
Who is on the side of "justice"
Even so, I fell for you

It's not my first time to shoot a human
But, for the first time, I'll shoot with tears
It's all my fault, so please
Don't give me a gentle look

In spring I fell in love with you
In summer we made many special memories
On an autumn night we became one
In winter I said farewell to everything

I cocked the hammer to pull the trigger
My index finger quivered
I said "Sorry" before the final moment
You replied...

If we could start all over again,
I'd love to go to the summer festival to see fireworks with you again
Don't worry
We'll meet again pretty soon
Promise to be with me forever
That's what we always use to say to each other"

AFTER SINGING. I sighed. I looked to Amu and others to see they are finished too. I smiled at them. Time check: 5:00 PM. We just went to a bunch of stores then when its staring to get dark, We bid our 'Goodbye!''s to each other and I was left here in the park alone. When i turned around and took my first step forward, I suddenly hear a sound.

Lily: This sound. Someone must be playing a violin

SeeU: Its beautiful but...

Galaco: Its sad. | she continued

I nodded.

Rin: Should we check?

Lily: Mm! I want to see who's playing this sound

Then we went to where the sound came from. When I looked around, I saw a boy with blue hair playing the violin carefully. His eyes were closed so he doesn't see me. I was shocked when I mase a sound 'causes him to stop and open his eyes. I immediately hide from the bush. I took a peek and saw him looking around then put his violin on it's case. After that, he walked away. I stood up and sighed of relief. I jump from tree to tree then jump down to my mansion and went inside. I went to my bed and immediately laying down. Forgetting that I'm still wearing my shoes.

Butler: Goodnight, My Lady.□ Then he removed my shoes

Rin: Goodnight. And I slept.


Done!! Sorry for the wring grammar and spellings.
Pls. Vote and Comment. Thank you! Oh! And thank you for the one who voted the Author's Note. Thank you!!!
I do not own Shugo Chara and any of this. I only own Aunt Lily and OC s in the future.

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