The Sequels

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You know how they always have the other book covers on the back of the book? Well, that's what I'm doing here. 

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Come see the sequel. 

The kingdom of Nalwiccia is a dangerous place filled with witches, vampires, trolls, ogres and evil spirits but Phadia is willing to risk a lot to have her friend back.

Witches do a lot of damage to Phadia's peaceful forest home of Trelis. They pluck the wings off pixies, the feathers off harpies and the scales off mermaids and use them for potions. But their worst offence is turning people into slaves. When an evil spirit is sent to Trelis to kidnap Phadia's friend Joshua, it takes him to the witches' kingdom.

With her friends by her side, Phadia dives right into the home of her worst enemy because allowing a fellow elf to be carried off for slavery is not an option.

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