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Me: Welcome to another chapter!!

Kai: Minami are you okay?

Minami: Does it look like it?

Tokiya: (The akward moment)

Me: Tokiya! Marry me!

Kai: Enjoy the chapter (Tokiya: Help me!)

"Toshiki-kun I think we're safe here." Aoi said as she was catching her breath while running with Kai.

"What was Minami talking about?You being a spy or something like that." Kai asked

"That is why I'm gonna say sorry to you right now..." Aoi said

"Why are you gonna say-" Kai was cut off when he smelled sleeping gas.

"Great job Aoi! Onii-chan is really proud of you!" Void said as he appeared behind her.

"I'm glad you are Nii-chan." Aoi said

"Now let's get you in your clothes and him in the dungeons..." Void said as he carried an unconcious Kai in his back.

In the dungeons

"Darling we're back home and I brought you a gift!" Void said as he threw Kai on the ground.

"Toshiki-kun! Please don't hurt him!" Aichi said while bursting to tears.

"Well anyway Aoi inject that fluid now!" Void said while going near to the glass dome.

"Yes Nii-chan." Aoi said as she injected the same fluid that she injected to Minami.

"He'll wake up in a few seconds and then I can finally have you for myself." Void said as he went inside the dome and caressed the cheek of the little blueberry.

Aichi slapped the hand away from her cheek and burst to tears when she heard her beloved brunette scream in pain.

"Toshiki-kun!" Aichi shouted as she saw her brunette being tortured by the black cloud.

"A...I...Chi...I....M....So....S...o.....r...r...y" Kai said as a tear fell down his cheek then fell unconcious.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH TOSHIKI KUN?!" Aichi shouted at void.

"Oh nothing just a little darkness in his heart is nothing to a demon like him." Void said

"Nii-san! He is waking up." Aoi said

"Well let her see the new Kai." Void said

Kai's shirt was torn since he had pure blood red wings in his back and had horns on his head. His nails looked razor sharp and his eyes were pale green and had reverse marks under them.

"Well do you like it darling?" Void asked Aichi

"You-you made him a monster." Aichi said as she was crying.

"He's not monster that what he really is." Void said

"He-he's not that way." Aichi said as she touched the glass.

"He's been this way ever since he became like that. He's the demon you loved, the ome you sacrificed your life for." Void said then continued "And the only way to turn him back is to marry me."

Aichi thought hard and said

Me: Cliffhanger!!!!!

Kai: ...

Aichi: Toshiki-kun

Minami: ...

Tokiya: hope you enjoued this chapter. Vote,comment amd share if you liked it!

Me: See you in the next chapter minna!

Kai: Aichi I-I =_=

Aichi: Oh Toshiki-kun...

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