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Kai: What are you so happy about?

Me: Tokiya is so cute!

Minami: ...


Aichi: Well enjoy the chapter!

Minami: Sorry for the late update

That night

"Well I think that will fit her just fine." Minami said as she laid Aichi in Kai's bed.

"Well I think she looks so beautiful." Kai said

"She's only wearing sleepwear."

"For me it's nice."



"Hahaha just kidding."

"That nice."

"Whatever well good luck tonight."


"Oh nothing."

"Whatever Minami."

"See ya tomorrow!"

"Good night." Kai said as he also fell asleep.


Kai was awoken by a hot feeling in his chest. He woke up with the bluenette sitting on his chest and caressing his face. The bluenette's wings were pure dark blue wings.

"Aichi you're awake!" Kai exclaimed

Aichi tilted her head and hugged Kai tight.

"Who's Aichi?" The voice bellowed in Kai's head.

Kai was shocked by the answer and just replied in his mind.

"You're Aichi."

"I'm Aichi?"


"Then that means I'm your queen right?"


"You're Toshiki Kai right?"

"Yes I'm him."

"Then your the king of the dragon empire!"

"What...*surprised expression"

"You don't know that you're ruling the biggest nation in cray?"


Suddenly the door slammed opened and Aichi changed from an innocent blue winged bluenette girl from a black haired girl with blood red wings that attacked the person that opened the door.

"Aichi stop attacking your sister before she kills you." Kai said as he took the former bluenette in his arms.

"I knew this was gonna happen." Minami said as she rubbed her head.

"Why didn't you warn me about this?! Kai shrieked dropping Aichi in the process.

"Well I wanted to make sure first." Minami said

Aichi got up and turned back to her former self and encircled her arms in Kai's waist.

"If you dare hurt my king I will punish you!" Aichi said in Minami's head

"Whatever you cute Yandere." Minami answered back.

"Don't call me cute you old lady!"

"I think that hurt." Kai thought

"Your calling me old brat! I'm your sister!"

"Oh please my sister? You're kidding me right?!"

"Does it look like I'm kidding?" Minami replied with an ice cold glare directed to Aichi.

"Why do I have to hear this?" Kai thought

"You just want to steal my king cause your my sister!"

"Why would I steal your king?"

"Cause you're evil!"

"What did you just say?" A tick mark appeared in Minami's head.

"You're evil!"

Minami was about to punch Aichi ,but luckily Kai stopped her hand.

"No fighting in the apartment. I don't want any of you to sleep in the morgue or coffin or something." Kai said

"Ok my king." Aichi chirped in Kai's mind

"Whatever I'm going to sleep... again." Minami said

"Goodnight Minami." Kai said before her cloeed the door.

Aichi went back to the bed with Kai. She became worried with Kai's sad face.

"What's wrong my king?" Aichi asked

"Nothig is wrong Aichi just sleep." Kai replied

"Ok my king goodnight." Aichi said before ruffling the brunette's hair and kissing his forehead and went to sleep.

"I just sad because you can't remember who I really am... Aichi." Kai thouht before he too drifted to sleep

Me: Really sorry for the late update.

Kai: She got busy with family probs.

Minami: And a mind block after that.

Aichi: Well I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter!

Kai: Will Minami and Aichi be able to be friends again?

Minami: Will there be a new threat?

Aichi: Or will the world be in peace?

Me: Oh one more thing did you guys like fem Yandere Aichi?

Kai: Well vote

Minami: And comment

Me: See ya guys in the next chapter!

P.S. Updates may come really slow since mind blocks keep coming.

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