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Alec sat at his desk feeling like a wreck; tired to the bones and utterly confused. It had been a sleepless night because the memories of the gala had haunted him. Magnus Bane; the head of one of the city's biggest corporations, the man Alec had dreamt of, and also the man who had sent him the leads.

Alec tried to wrap his head around how to proceed. There were protocols to follow, but Alec had no actual evidence that would justify bringing him in. On the contrary, it was the CEO that had provided them with the only solid leads they actually had in the case, and Alec was the only one who knew that Mr. Bane was the one who had left the leads. Add to that, the fact that after the man had left him at the bar, swaying his hips in a way that was impossible to not notice, Alec had found the phone in his pocket. That discovery, though, had brought him down to earth. He had been too enthralled by the man, how his feather-light touch had made his entire body ignite, to notice the man slipping the phone into his pocket. He couldn't let his guard down like this no matter how spellbinding the CEO might be. The message he had received on the unknown device after he found it in his pocket told Alec that troubles were ahead.

You and I, oh the fun we'll have together

Now glancing over the files on his desk, Alec groaned, simultaneously rubbing his face with his hands. The stubble on his cheeks scratched his palms in a soothing way. For some reason, he left Alec a phone, and it looked like a burner. Why not use the regular phone? Absent-mindedly, he twirled the phone in his hands. Alec's gut told him that this phone would be of significance, but he hadn't answered the text from yesterday and there was no other communication. He didn't know what to expect or what was expected from him.

"What the fuck Alec, you look like shit. Found yourself a hot date at the gala and got lucky? I mean that guy was obviously coming on to you," Jace teased as he interrupted Alec's thoughts arriving at the desk. Alec froze and stared at Jace. In a heartbeat, his emotions were running wild like an internal volcanic eruption. Jace mentioned it equally casually as Izzy. Alec couldn't breathe. He had thought his sexuality was a secret, but in a few days, he had gotten more perplexed than ever. His siblings were dropping these hints, as if they knew about his sexuality, and had just now decided it was time to let Alec know they knew. Normally Jace's presence would fill him with serenity, but this, last night's emotional roller-coaster, the sleepless night, the phone, and Mr. Bane himself had Alec on the verge of imploding. For once, Jace was exactly what Alec did NOT need.

He had thought he couldn't tell Jace why he left so abruptly last night, hardly even doing what they came for before he excused himself. He had also thought he couldn't tell Jace about the disastrous first meeting with the CEO, that it would raise too many questions foremost about himself. And now that wasn't even a problem? Was this Alec's cue to throw it into a regular conversation? To speak his heart? To ask Jace how come he, after all these years, had not noticed the way Alec had felt? Or was Jace just teasing Alec, he didn't actually believe that Alec would be interested in that guy. Whilst having a mental breakdown, he was once again saved from making a decision of his own as his new phone pinged.

Hunters Moon, 3PM

Alec huffed. It wasn't even a question, just a time and place, as if Alec was a dog he could command. Too bad he was too intrigued to ignore it. He checked his watch. Four hours, that would give him some time to find some information he could use. No more focusing on emotions, time to get to work. "Let's go over the guestlist from yesterday, there must be something useful." Focusing on work had always been easy for Alec, and that's why he blamed the sleepless night when his mind went to check the time every five minutes. Four hours could be a long time.


There was a doorbell that jingled as he entered. This time of the day, the place wasn't packed, and Alec spotted him easily. Mostly because he stood out in the shabby environment, and that he was the only one sitting all alone at a table. Alec studied him closer, from his three-piece suit to the way he drank whatever's in his cup. There was some sort of elegance about him, his posture, and the way he moved. Just by the look of him, you could tell he came from money and it was simply impossible not to look at him. Alec stared for a moment, then their eyes met. "Mr. Bane," Alec greeted sternly and sat down in front of him. "What's this all about?"

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