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"I never thought I would see the day," Ragnor said amused.

"What?" Magnus snapped at his friend. Probably too harsh but right now he didn't care. He had a date, a real date with Alexander. He scrutinized himself in the mirror. Nope. This shirt wasn't right. As he started shrugging it off, he heard Ragnor snickering.

"The day the magnificent Magnus Bane was nervous for a date."

"I'm not nervous." Ragnor didn't dignify that statement with an answer. Instead, he just glared at the pile of clothes on Magnus' bed. Magnus huffed, "I might be a little anxious to get it right, when he finally took a step in the right direction, for once."

"Where exactly are you going to take him? I have never seen you dress this casually for a date."

"I didn't know you paid so much attention to the way I dress, dear old friend. But for this, I need to be a little flexible at least," Magnus said with a wink.

Ragnor groaned and put his hands to his ears. "Spare me the details, I don't need to know."

Magnus stared out the window, not being able to look at his friend for a moment, and fidgeted with the shirt in his hand. "To be honest, I am nervous. I might sound ridiculous, or possibly like one of those cheesy rom-com movies, but I think he could be the one. It scares me because I don't know what I'm doing. I know how to flirt and I know sex. What I don't know is how to make them stay. I mean, no one ever did," he mumbled.

"Don't worry, then you're equals. You know it's new for him too. Just remember, everyone makes mistakes, my boy. It's what you learn from them that's important. And how you communicate. Don't make too much out of this. What is it you always say, let's stay in the here and now?"

Magnus sighed and smiled fondly at Ragnor. "You're absolutely right, you always give the best advice."

"Yeah, it would be nice if you took it more than once every 10 years," Ragnor huffed.

"But then there's also this whole thing about my father possibly murdering Valentine, for me. And not to forget Sebastian. Not knowing where he is or what he and possibly my father are up to next is kind of nerve-racking and-"

"Magnus," Ragnor cut him off, "put on that bloody vest now and get going. Live in the here and now, remember? There's nothing you can do about it. You have all the time in the world to be a worrywart tomorrow. Now go, have fun. You've deserved it."

Magnus stared a moment at his friend before he took a deep breath and relaxed. "Aye Aye Captain," he said with a wink as he finished dressing himself and checking himself out in the mirror. Satisfied with the result, he hoped that Alexander wouldn't be able to keep his hands off him.


His hands were shaking so badly it was impossible to button his shirt. There was no reason for it, he had met Magnus many times before. Even had dinner, just the two of them, in his loft. In his heart, Alec knew this was different, and that's why butterflies threatened to burst his stomach. He looked at himself in the mirror, trying to comprehend what Magnus could ever see in him. Alec startled when there was a knock on his door. He wasn't expecting someone and instinctively he reached for his gun but it wasn't there. His increasing heart rate was the obvious tell-tale sign of the tension that had built up in his body since the beginning of the case. Even with Valentine now dead, and there was no longer an imminent threat to his life, his body was still on high alert. His eyes fell on his gun on the coffee table and he silently made his way towards it.

"Alec, it's me, open up," the voice made Alec stop dead and breathe out all the tension. With a smile on his face and an unnecessary eye roll, since she couldn't see it, he walked towards the front door and opened it.

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