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Alec could hear voices talking, he just couldn't make out the words they were saying. He felt he was moving, but he didn't move on his own. As he forced his eyes open, everything was a blur and he had a hard time focusing on what was going on. The memory of what had happened hit him and he tried to sit himself up without luck, there was this tightness over his chest holding him down. Panic started to rise within him. "Jace," he croaked.

"He's conscious," Alec heard someone say as his vision became more focused. A face appeared in his sight, with a tentative smile and friendly eyes.

There was a hand on his arm, a light yet comforting touch. "Hi there," Alec thought she had a very soothing voice and instantly he became calmer. "I'm Cat and I'm a paramedic. There's been an explosion and you've been hurt. You have to stay still. We're taking you to the hospital. Do you know your name?"

Alec's head was throbbing painfully, his body felt heavy and every muscle in his body ached. He tried to speak up, but his throat felt hoarse and there was this taste of dust and something metallic in his mouth. He coughed in an attempt to clear his throat. He managed to formulate a few words. "I'm Alec. My brother?" It hurt badly to speak, but the fear for Jace was even worse.

"There was another person taken to the hospital. He's already there. I'm sorry but I can't disclose any information about his condition."

"Is he alive?" Alec asked even though he feared the answer.

"He was when he left with the ambulance." Alec could only hope Jace was okay. There was too much pain, he couldn't stay awake, couldn't stay strong and once again the darkness embraced him.


Alec felt numb, empty, and hollow even though he was the lucky one with some minor injuries and bruises. He had been too far from the blast and hadn't been hit by any shrapnel from the bomb. His body had been sore, but it wasn't something that would affect him physically. Mentally, all he thought of right now was Jace. Alec didn't know any details, everyone had been so reluctant to tell him anything, never even looking him in the eyes. All Alec knew was that Jace had been badly injured, had been in surgery for hours and he still hadn't woken up. They wouldn't know his status until he did due to surgery in nerve-sensitive areas. All that was left for Alec was hope.

The Captain had stopped by, telling him to take time to heal, that they got it covered. He told Alec only the necessary details, like the consoling fact that there were no casualties of the bombing. It was considered a small one, but it was crystal clear that Alec was the target since the bomb was placed somewhere in or on his car. They were working the leads, but so far the only thing that had come up was a blurry street cam photo. This was no surprise to Alec, these people were professionals. At this point, Alec was certain that there wouldn't be enough evidence to prove anything. He knew that the asshole who orchestrated this would see to it that potential evidence would disappear. He hated that he was always at least two steps behind. It was as if they knew every step he was taking. He had been at the hospital for almost 36 hours, now he needed to get back to work.

Alec had no intention of staying in the hospital longer than necessary. As soon as possible, he signed the release papers and headed towards Jace's room, but he never got over the threshold. Through the open door, he saw his parents standing in that very room, arguing over something that's probably completely irrelevant. He wasn't surprised to see them by Jace's side, but he didn't want to talk to them. It had been years since he voluntarily stayed in the same room as both of his parents.

His mother had stopped by Alec's room to check up on him, but once she knew he was fine, she had left with a kiss on his cheek. The sliver of hope Alec had left considering his father's affections had been shredded to pieces when not even Alec standing at death's door could get the man to visit and talk to his eldest son. The only positive thing about it was that Alec had finally gotten some closure. He no longer had to nourish the hope of a reunion.

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