The 90's

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A prequel

A beautiful sixteen year old girl walked to her school.

She walked up the stairs and took her books out of her bag and put them on her desk. She then walked out.

Going back downstairs walking down the right hall to enter the cooking club. Not knowing someone was watching her.

The beautiful girl located the knife in the clubroom and picked it up and hid it in her bookbag.

She preceded to exit the clubroom and made her way to the school lockers. The young girl located a locker and put a note in it.

Then she walked walked up the stairs, looking around for students. She made her way to the third floor.

She saw students and threw a small popping firecracker on the ground. This discrimination gave her time to quickly walk in the east hall bathroom.

The girl walked into a bathroom stall, closed the door and waited.

Ten minutes passed and another girl walked in the bathroom.

" Who would want to speak with me in a place like this?", The girl asked herself facing the wall.

That girls name was Jung Ha Rin, a third year student.

She would meet a terrible fate.

The girl in the stall silently exited the bathroom stall and closed the door.

She walked behind the and tapped her shoulder gently.

The startled Teenager spun around quickly. She sighed in relief when she saw who it was.

" Oh Ji- Eun Unnie! Were you the person who put that note in my locker? What did you want to talk about?", Ha Rin asked curiously.

" I wanted to tell you something about the Boy you have feelings for." The girl replied.

Ha Rin whined in embarrassment.

"Oh God! You know who I have a crush on?!! Ohhhhh! That's so embarrassing!!!", Ha Rin said Turing around hiding her face in embarrassment.

It made Ji Eun sick.

" So what is it? What did you want to tell me?", Ha Rin gently spoke.

The girl took the knife out of her bookbag and walked towards the girl. And stuck her hand over her mouth.

And before the knife entered her skull, in the most calm voice she said......

You can't have him....He belongs to me....

She realized what she had done. She stares at the lifeless body. Her hands were covered in blood as was her uniform.

The girl located the mop bucket in the bathroom and filled it up in the large sink. She then poured bleach then proceeded to dip the mop in the bucket and cleaned up all the blood on the floor.

She grabbed the garbage bags in the bathroom and covered the body.

Then she moved the body so that it was hidden in a stall.

She washed her hands and went in her book bag. She pulled out a bottle of Luminol. She sprayed it where all the blood was. Then went back into the bag. She pulled out a blacklight and turned off the bathroom lights. She phointed the light where she sprayed the luminol and when it glowed she turned the lights on.

Then she grabbed the bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide she had in her bag.

She poured it all over the floor and mopped it.

Then she turned the light off again and shun the blacklight.

She smiled when nothing glowed.

She poured out all the liquids in the sink and washed out the bottles with water.

This took longer than expected since everyone was in class now.

The girl picked up the body and made her way downstairs. She exited the school and went behind the school. She then put the body in the school incinerator. She took out her knife and put it in the incinerator as well.

She walked to the girls locker room where she showered and changed into her spare uniform.

She carried the bloody clothing back to the incinerator. She dumped the bloody clothing and started to stare at a photo of her the boy she had murdered for.

This calmed her nerves and brought back her sanity. She walked out of the incinerator area.

Her actions took a long time as she heard the school bell ring. She wasn't worried, she cleaned up all the evidence.

Someone however witnessed her suspicious behavior.

"Hey..... Ji-eun-ssi , I saw you take a knife out of the Cooking club.......Why did you do that?..

The girl froze but quickly thought of a reasonable explanation.

"Oh! Hello Jung-Hoon Oppa!", She replied.

" That knife belonged to the Home Economics room, I was putting it back where it belonged. " She said, smiled a gorgeous smile that made the boy lovesick instantly.

"Oh! Okay That makes perfect sense!", Jung-Hoon said smiling.

Little did he know what event had occured just three hours earlier.

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