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Jin's POV:

Another day of waiting for her........maybe today I'll meet my soulmate.

I walked downstairs and saw a note on the table.


Hi sweetie!

It's Eomma!

I'm so sorry for me and your Appa not being there. We're taking a Little overseas trip.

As soon as I find the person I'm looking for, I'll be back home!

I know your first day of school starts tomorrow. Please don't be discouraged. I have a good feeling about this year.

Who knows, maybe you'll meet your soulmate at school.

Take care of your brothers and make sure Joon doesn't destroy the house or set it on fire while we're gone.

I'm trusting you to not let him destroy everything he touches.

Tell everyone I love them dearly and Eomma will be back soon!

Love you so much!!


P.S can you clean up Eomma's little "Mess" in the basement please? Thank you.  💜

I sighed after reading the note.

I truly envy my Mother. She always seems to be in a good mood, maybe because she's always with my father.
I have to wake my brothers up so we can clean up the body in the basement.

That woman should not have winked at my Father.

I walked upstairs in to my brother Yoongi's room. I opened the door and he was still sleeping.

Yoongi's condition was probably worst of all of us. We all have a  feel emotions, me and my brothers have never been normal. As children we never threw a tantrum, as teenagers we never got angry when our parents didn't allow us to do anything, we've never shed a real tear.

We all pretend to feel emotions.
But Yoongi never does. Well at least when we're at school.

Infront of Appa he acts like he's normal but still doesn't show big emotions other than a fake smile. But in front of other people, he acts stone cold. People think we're freaks, but we don't care. We go to the most prestigious in South Korea, it's one of the top 3 schools in the world. We are very handsome. I'm not bragging, I know we all are desired at school. When girls see us they fold their skirts to make them shorter and fix their makeup. We see their pitiful disappointed faces when we pay them no mind . It's funny how girls say they respect themselves, when their ready to basic tear off their shirt just to make a guy look at them.

If you read the chapters before this one you probably know what' s wrong with me and my brothers. If you didn't read the chapters, I would suggest you read them now. It's not like I don't want to tell you, but simply I'm tired of repeating the same old story.

Oh, I just rambled, sorry.

My words probably bore you.

As I was saying I walked up to Yoongi's room and opened his door. He was sleeping, "Yoongi-ssi. Wake up, I can't clean the basement by myself.", I said slightly shaking his arm.  I heard him sigh and he pushed me away and put on his slippers. He walked out of his room. 

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