0.4 | kiss?

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his lips felt flat against your own, the empty feeling of connection yet no movement whatsoever. however you didn't expect much of a pleasurable moment considering it'd been a whim, one to get porco galliard off your ass.

this past week you've done just about everything in your power to completely ignore birdbrain, though he kept pushing for a relationship that had never been serious. well, at least not to you.

he was a mere chest piece, though considering how inhumane that sounded, you never admitted it to him. having said that, after the nuisance he's proved himself to be lately, that might have to come up in conversation soon.

so now, as you leaned into the awkward excuse of a kiss, you squinted an eye open to scope out the enemy. he'd successfully been forcefully pushing himself through the exit, fist white with the pressure applied due to anger.

on the contrary, armin was as stiff as a rock. quite literally, in fact so literally that even after you let go he'd been completely stuck in place.

"sorry, crazy ex...or something like that."

he was almost awed at how casually you'd been acting after sharing such an intimate moment. now, taking out a blue highlighter to sniff, he decided you were quite the woman. the idea of you being heedless wasn't far off, though the newfound ignorance was insane.

it'd been armins first kiss after all! sure, short-lived and with no strings attached, but a big moment nonetheless.

though, you on the other hand had no clue it'd been armins first kiss. you also didn't consider it much of a kiss, considering he hadn't moved his lips much; or at all, really. not like you had either, it was more of an awkward brush of the lips.

but now, upon turning to inspect the silent young man, he'd been as red as a tomato. staring at you; wide eyes, gaping lips.

you hated to admit how cute his innocence was at that moment, almost appealingly so. the idea of someone becoming so worked up over a mere peck to the lips was so rejuvenating compared to the average guys these days who believed they were sex masters. sure they paraded that but they most likely couldn't find the g-spot for their life.

armin was being worked up, it was the perfect moment to see him completely unravel, give in.

you stupidly allowed your intrusive thoughts to win, leaning in once again this time much slower. keeping intense eye contact, a soft touch to the arm was all it took for the boy to fidget. pupils dilated even more though they darted from your lips to your eyes this time as the close proximity became absolute.

forehead against forehead, so close that his nostrils filled with your intoxicating fragrance. in that moment an unforeseen inclination had armin closing his eyes tightly shut, lips preparing themselves to be pressed against.

he had no clue how to kiss, nor really even talk to a girl besides his friend mikasa, but she wasn't in any way someone he'd be attracted to. especially keeping in mind that she'd made her interest in eren jaeger painstakingly public.

the idea of discreetly making out in a library with a girl as bewitching as you was mind-boggling. it was almost unreal, surely he'd experienced something like this in one of his unsolicited wet dreams.

it was embarrassing to admit, but a nerd like him didn't manage to pull many girls, so he left it all to the imagination. nevertheless, although he knew things about sexual intercourse due to perverted fantasies, he had no clue how to perform such acts.

and also if you had heard him refer to sex as 'sexual intercourse' it'd definitely be a turn-off, which would further his point of inexperience with women.

but after all that preparation, only a giggle could be heard. slightly brushing your lips against his before pulling back, a small grin appeared.

"you should really get back to tutoring me, mr. arlert."

you had no such desire for said boy, but couldn't deny he'd been entertaining. he clearly wanted it to happen, but that sudden desperation was so tempting you almost allowed it to actually happen.

now, you'll admit you weren't much of a good person, but boundaries are boundaries. you didn't want to lead him on, and of course, the thought of him becoming another galliard who followed you around campus all day was not pleasing.

armin quickly fixed his posture in discomfort, a pull at his collar before squirming to sit straight once again. he let whatever happened just then sink in and admittedly was quite embarrassed at his submission.

as you noticed him taking several glances in your direction, a devious thought crossed your mind.

"your eren jaegers friend, right?"

upon hearing your smooth yet subtle voice, he fidgeted slightly. you had him completely on edge.


he said after clearing his throat. it took a lot for him to muster this, even if it was with a weakened voice.

"why don't you and him come to historias party tonight? there'll be booze and girls."

armin looked at you once again with widened eyes. your tone was coaxial, apparently believing that'd persuade him enough to actually go.

in all reality, a geek like him being invited to one of the 'cool kids' parties was unheard of. the idea of booze and girls may have been appealing, but also scared him shitless. like said, his inexperience with women was an amount beyond comprehension and he'd never actually had a drop of alcohol.

for unneeded context, a 'cool kid' party was what armin and his friends referred to house parties as; this being because usually they were hosted by football players or cheerleaders. they consisted of booze, girls, horny guys, and games. of course, that's what armin had seen and believed off 2000's teen movies considering he'd never actually been invited to one. in fact, none of his friends had ever been invited to one, but this was their chance.

how cool would armin sound announcing he'd been invited to a house party...get this...hosted by the hottest girl in class, historia reiss! even more so that he'd practically just gotten done making out with the second-hottest girl in class! the boy was ecstatic.

he realized it was more of a peck than a makeout sesh, but the finer details weren't necessary. he'd also realized that the meaning of this rendezvous was to tutor you but believed he'd have enough time to prepare for friday regardless and have a little fun in the meantime.

on the flip side, you'd really just been wanting to invite eren jaeger.

here's the plan: have historia pull some moves with eren, eren obviously catches feelings (duh), they end up undeniably hitting it off, reiner sees and has no choice but to move on. who would he move on to? the next big thing, you. it couldn't be more perfect.

the only thing you really needed to happen tonight was at least a kiss from the two, and for reiner to witness it. that wasn't exactly a mission impossible.

with historia's evident feelings and good looks, jaeger would surely allow himself to let loose. it would possibly even lead to a one-night stand, anything goes with horny teenage boys. though, of course, said girl was not that easy.

eren didn't really seem the type anyway. although lacking personality (in your opinion), he did seem reliable and responsible.

if things went as planned, reiner would be a big heartbroken mess by the end of the night. then, you'd coincidentally be there for the boy and after pampering him enough, he was surely to fall for you. after that you would become the to-die-for couple, and end up winning spring fling queen and king! the plan was perfect, as long as it was executed correctly.

and due to countless motivations at that moment, you both exchanged numbers.

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