1.6 | walk to class

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"do you want me to walk you to class?"

armin asked as soon as the bell rang, almost as if he'd been anticipating doing so. you'd been fully capable of walking yourself where ever pleased, though couldn't deny the gesture was still kind. taking that into consideration, as well as the giddy faces of the three others, you agreed. a stroll wouldn't hurt.

the walk was a bit unusual. you'd noticed historia and ymir watching from afar, a bit of amusement sprawled on both their stupid little faces. this caused a death glare to be sent in that general direction. no sight of reiner who was the one you'd actually been anticipating to watch the whole scene.

armins friends walked infront, though turned back every now and then to take a cheeky glance (besides eren who simply didn't care).

"is your class near by?"

"no, mines on the opposite side of the building."

ever since yesterday the two of you walked very closely. the aquarium trip opened up a barrier that held back from becoming 'friends', and after practically sitting on top his lap during lunch the closeness while strolling was nothing new.

for the boy, this was the next step into anti-virgin world. for you, this was quite literally nothing more than walking to class. in fact, you'd literally been spacing out, way too busy reapplying lipstick.

armin held his backpack straps to his body, contemplating whether to let an arm fall and skim against yours. the touch could possibly lead to the next base: hand holding! he didn't let this thought go unnoticed.

it'd been one of his many fantasies to walk side-by-side with a super hot chick in the school halls! imagine all the jealous bastards that'd just stand there and witness.

for years upon years of his life he'd been the jealous bastard awaiting a girl to notice him, and it was finally happening! for years he'd rant about some day bagging a babe, just to be teased by the others, but it was finally happening!

"you don't have to walk me fully, you probably don't wanna be tardy."

you said this in regards to most good-grade having goody-two-shoes being very punctual and on top of their every moves. armin was definitely one of those students.

you remembered the school announcing those who'd be receiving a 'perfect attendance' award (sort of a big deal considering most students skipped school daily), and of course armin arlert was one of them. you of course made fun of those people, but never thought you'd be so closely aquatinted with one today.

"i don't mind."

this statement didn't get much of a response. men always offered kindness just to whisper sweet nothings in order to get into a girls pants. you'd been through your fair share of boys to know that armin, even though dweeb-y, was no different. he was still a boy at the end of the day.

what's worse than a hormonal teen? an inexperienced hormonal teen! the guy was probably getting off to every single movement of yours.

the thought was disgusting but the look on his face was confident. not the cocky confident, but in the excited to be there way.

it was quite an attractive look you may say, for a nerd at least. he looked sure of himself unlike usual, a bit more poised.

and in that same exact moment, his hand fell from the strap and found its way to yours, which was now lipstick-free, completely open for grabs.

your body reacted rather oddly. the ends of your ears felt hot along with both sides of your face. a sudden wash of cold freeze enveloped you as his fingertips could be felt intertwined with your own.

what the hell? was spammed across your thought process, completely unsure why a 5'4 dorkzilla was suddenly bold enough to make such daring moves.

the shock was tremendous, and that's what you blamed the strange reaction on.

even though the notion of men are dogs strongly resonated within you, you allowed armin to have his way. the gesture was nothing grand and it was sort of funny.

normally guys would wrap an arm around a girls waist or hover their hand above your ass. those were normally more on the sexual side, but more common. hand-holding felt innocent, almost as if the two of you were children. it was nice.

armin was a bit surprised by the lack of retention. he glanced over to see your skin kissed in pink, an annoyed but still cute facial expression in play.

the walk was short, thankfully once inching closer towards the destination everybody seemed to be heading to their own classes, unable to witness the sheer amusing sight. a some-how flustered you holding hands with some kid in a bright yellow anime t-shirt.

it was the epitome of what should've been embarrassing, however withdrawing your hand was not on your mind in the slightest.

would this ruin your reputation? would it make it better? would it send the wrong message?

all those thoughts fluttered, but even so the feeling of warmth against your own was enjoyable. you'd always suspected armins hands to be clammy and sweaty, maybe a bit smaller than your own considering his small figure. they weren't in the slight, in fact his hand perfectly fit your own, encapsulating it almost protectively.

recalling yesterday when he'd grabbed your wrist to trail you along, the gesture didn't seem weird in the slightest, but for some reason this time it was a lot more intimate feeling. standing hand-in-hand, fingers intertwined, arms brushing against each other with every step.

you heard your heart panging inside your ears, unsure why the beat seemed so much louder than usual.

but the moment was short lasted.

"i'll see you next period."

that's all you really could say. how else was there to respond? the boy had just caught you in a vulnerable moment and was able to keep you there, how embarrassing.

and what was this obnoxious feeling? it was making you sick!

you stood still to watch his frame walk away, an actual pep to his step. the halls were a lot more cleared insinuating the bell would soon ring, but armin walked calmly in the opposite direction, hands in his pockets.

what a freak.

but all throughout fifth period that freak lingered on your mind, unable to focus on napping. the most convenient and fresh thought was his stupid out-of-the-blue gesture.

you couldn't help but grin to yourself when remembering the look of confidence armin sported seconds before enclasping hands. he must've been preparing himself for that very moment. it embarrassingly enough made your smile grow with more frivolous details.

what the hell was this boy doing to you in the matter of two and a half days?

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